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Lance Peters|发布了General Questions

I’m looking at using a ductless mini-split to heat my garage workshop area. I also have a parking space next to the workshop area where I plan to put a car hoist.

Has anyone ever seen a second head added to a ductless mini-split? The reason I ask is, I don’t foresee needing to heat both areas at the same time, so just wondering if I could somehow switch between heads.


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  1. Scott Wilson Sr||#1

    It can be done but you are better off buying a mini split that is set up for two head unites or buy two mini splits depending on the size unites you need. I have a pioneer 3 zone mini split that heats and cools my house it was the best decision I ever made.

  2. Trevor Lambert||#2

    If I am understanding the garage you're planning, the cheapest and simplest solution (both in the short and long term) is probably to size the miniplit for both areas. Install the indoor unit in the section that you will use the most often. Close the door to the other area when not in use, open it up when you're going to use it.

  3. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#3

    >"The refrigerant lines might be the easy part, the electronics might be the sticking point. "

    The refrigerant VALVES are probably the biggest sticking point when trying to hang a second head on a compressor designed for a single head.

  4. Lance Peters||#4

    Dana, yes I meant some sort of switching valve that would direct refrigerant flow to one of the two heads. Perhaps it's not as easy as I thought?

    Trevor, I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a neat way to divide the two areas in a way that they could be opened up to each other, but in the end I think it would be less hassle to just have separate heat zones. The wall dividing the two areas will be about 17' wide and 12' tall.


    Thanks for your comments everyone.

    1. Scott Wilson Sr||#6

      Are you looking at the Panasonic or Pioneer. I personally think the Pioneer is a better quality product and performs better. My mini split has kept my house 72 degs down to -3 deg so far.

      1. Lance Peters||#7


  5. Trevor Lambert||#5


    1. Lance Peters||#8

      The wall is to isolate the workshop area (28 x 17) from the main garage. I'll be doing woodworking, welding, grinding, all sorts of things that generate dust that I don't want contaminating the rest of the garage. The long wall of the workshop is actually a load bearing wall for the roof trusses so it has to be there, it's the short wall across the end that divides the workshop from the other area where I'd like to have a car hoist.

      葫芦区域(17 x 14)是我希望能够在冬天在汽车上工作的地方。关闭这一领域并加热这是挑战。我看起来也许是一个绝缘窗帘,沿着一端用狗腿沿着天花板沿着天花板拉动,以便在关闭时将17英尺的尺寸延伸几英尺。

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