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霍华德·温特|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我儿子的房子在卧室天花板上方有R-38玻璃纤维巴特(12英寸)。上面有通风阁楼空间。While the R-38 may be a decent # in theory (though R-50 would probably be the current zone 6 amount), I’m thinking the air sealing capability here is slim to none (below batts is the kraft facing stapled to joist bottoms and 1/2″ sheetrock.

我们正在考虑增加隔热材料的实用方法。一个会在纤维素中吹。易于执行和合理的成本,但不要认为这会增加空气不渗透性(在此应用程序中不是密集的包装)。首先压缩烤饼,然后添加纤维素是否有意义?The joists are 2×8 so the batts could easily be compressed to tops of those joists, which I know would reduce the overall R value of that batt (despite an increase per inch), -but wouldn’t that compression deter some air flow, or is that too negligible to justify? Are there other/better alternatives?



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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1

    有经验的阁楼绝缘承包商地址like yours all the time. The right way to do the work is to lift up the fiberglass batts (separating the batts from the kraft facing if necessary) and piling them up on one side of the attic. Then air sealing work is performed. Once all of the air sealing issues have been addressed, the batts can be returned to the joist bays (with or without the kraft facing).

    Once that's done, it's time to install a layer of cellulose on top of the batts to complete the job.

    If you can't find an insulation contractor who understands the necessary work, keep dialing the phone until you find one.

    For more information on this topic, seeAir Sealing an Attic

  2. 霍华德·温特||#2



    I have nothing against contractors, but am a DIY'er of many years and would not have what I do if I had used contractors regularly. Here in my rural area there are not many real "specialists", -mostly generalists in order to stay in business. This is not to say there isn't expertise in areas like insulation, but with the internet, sites and blogs like this one, BSC, etc, I should be able to gain needed info and not have to use a contractor just so it is (hopefully) done right. I've made my share of mistakes over the years, but did not benefit from current levels of research and info pre internet. I'm also aware of mistakes greater and more eggregious made by contractors that I avoided.

    So, thanks for sharing your expertise.

  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Air sealing work usually doesn't require filling every joist bay with spray foam. Nor does this work require a full layer of rigid foam installed by the cut-and-cobble method.

    The best way to air seal the leaks is to focus on the actual cracks and holes. The approach is described in my article,Air Sealing an Attic

  4. 霍华德·温特||#4

    This info would make the job easier. There is not too much that should be a problem, -the one ceiling light stands out. There are otherwise no ducts or other utilities. Not needing a continuous air sealing barrier above the sheetrock must mean that the taped sheetrock is a considerable air barrier in itself, is that correct?

  5. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#5





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