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Lance Peters.|发布了Mechanicals

我考虑在Energy Star website and came across a listing for an Air King in-line fan. Curious, I checked out their website and also found they have a new line of DC motor exhaust fans coming to market.


根据公司的通风目录,这些风扇的可选气流范围为30-120 CFM,峰值电源输入为7.3W,自调节,确保一致的气流具有各种限制水平。

120cfm / 7.3W = 16.4cfm/W

How does that stack up to other options? I’ve only heard reference to Panasonic’s Whisper fans, and I’m not intimately familiar with their lineup.


  1. Anon3||#1

    Do you actually use the exhaust fan much to matter? An ERV exhaust from bathroom 24/7 is a much better idea.

  2. GBA Editor

    Panasonic'sFV-05VK3的规格Whispergreen风扇claim 12.4 cfm/watt.

    因此,Airking风扇索取的16.4 CFM /瓦特击败了12.4 CFM /瓦特的松下索赔。

    Note, however, that these claimed efficiencies occur at a static pressure of 0.1 inches w.g. Once you connect a typical ducting system (usually including an elbow or two), your static pressure will go up and your efficiency will go down.

    - Martin Holladay

  3. Lance Peters.||#3



    130cfm = 19cfm / w
    80cfm = 18.2cfm / w
    30 = 9.7cfm / w


  4. GBA Editor


    --Martin Holladay

  5. Lance Peters.||#5


    Thanks for posting the company's product page. It looks like they have yet to update their own specs to match the ES page. Their site claims 40-120cfm, ES lists it at 30-130cfm.

  6. GBA Editor
  7. Lance Peters.||#7

    That's the one! Thanks Martin. There are many versions of this fan between all the lights and sensors available, but they all share the same airflow specs.

  8. Lance Peters.||#8

    In response to reply #1 (all I see is N/A N/A for a poster name?), there are many people who install exhaust only ventilation systems who would be very interested in the most efficient fan available for a 24/7 application. I personally would prefer a ducted ERV as you suggest, but that doesn't mean it's the most desirable solution for everyone or every situation.

    Look at it another way; how much more efficient would an ERV be with these fans installed running 24/7? If bathroom fans are getting this efficient the technology will soon spill into other ventilation products as well.

  9. Anon3||#9



  10. Lance Peters.||#10


    I'm sure the "average" installation of a bathroom vent fan would be a hideous contraption compared to this proposal, but let's see what a semi energy conscious installer could accomplish. Let's face it, someone spending big bucks on an exhaust fan is more likely to insist on getting the details right.

    I modeled a 6" diameter galvanized duct 10' long with three "4-piece" 90 degree elbows at 1.5D, "none" for an entry (ideal since the fan connects directly to the pipe), and a 45 degree tapered contraction with a 4" diameter outlet (to simulate a reasonably restrictive exterior vent). The total duct loss on that configuration is 0.065" of water @ 80CFM, and that duct would cover a reasonably complicated install that covers 10 feet and goes up and over an obstacle (two elbows) before turning down (3rd elbow) through a soffit vent.


    在流量调节的风扇的情况下,这两种情况都应该超过80cfm @ 0.1“水规格。这将对风扇的能量使用影响随着时间的推移,如果不是真正的价格,明智的百分比明智由于整体功率要求低,因此保存。


    Comments WRT use in ERVs noted, and likely 100% true at higher flow rates. At lower flow rates, however, the core and filtration restriction drops dramatically and at 24/7 usage could make a significant difference in yearly power consumption. A 2000sqft four occupant household ventilating at 50CFM continuously with a 100CFM capable ERV could certainly see some savings.


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