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Airfoil receptacle box

Michael Geoghegan| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Is any particular kind of foam (fire stop?) required when filling sealing chamber?

I won’t have a vapor barrier (other than painted drywall) to seal to the flange on the airfoil box. I won’t be able to get the drywall crew to take the time to caulk them, so I’m left with applying some kind of gasket material ahead of time to the flange. I was considering using a 1/16″ thick rubber adhesive gasket like this: something like that work? Has anyone used anything else? Is the total thickness of the airfoil flange and a gasket going to interfere with the drywall installation at all? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1

    Yes, you can apply a gasket material to the flange, or buy similar receptacle boxes with gasketted flanges already attached.

    Keep an eye of your boarders though. They tend to chew up the gaskets with their Rotozips

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    The Airfoil box is designed to be sealed with canned spray foam. As far as I know, you can use any type of canned spray foam you want.

    The inventor of the Airfoil box advises the use of gaskets when no interior polyethylene is used. For more information, see the article I wrote for the June 2007 issue ofEnergy Design Update(reproduced as two jpeg images, below).


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