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Alpen Windows

William Dempsey| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

We are planning a new home in Southeastern, Pa. We are located in climate zone 4. I have requested quotes from Bieber, Zola and have found the price too expensive for the budget. I have also received a quote from Alpen Windows. The price is slightly more than half of those that I mentioned. I realize there are major differences and tradeoffs. Does anyone have experience with Alpen Wiindows?

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  1. Brian P||#1

    We chose the Alpen 525 line for our house in NH and have been happy with the decision. This is the first house build I've been involved with, so I can't compare Alpen to other companies...but they seem like a good performing window line at an affordable price, it also helps that one of their largest dealers is not too far from us in Maine.

  2. William Dempsey||#2

    Thanks for the reply. We are thinking of the 525 casement windows. Did you use the casement or some other style of window?

  3. Dan Kolbert||#3

    I installed a house full of them when they were still Serious. The owners have been happy with them - it's been 3 years now. Just make sure you see them - you lose some visible light from the film.

  4. Brian P||#4

    We have a mix of mostly casements and fixed (Picture), with a couple awning windows. I would suggest trying to fit some fixed/Picture windows in because they are cheaper (I think) and you don't need every window to open. I can see the awning windows being useful for having a window cracked when there is some precipitation. We only moved in two months ago.

    I haven't really noticed or been bothered by light loss or change, but we have a good open southern exposure with plenty of light.

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