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I have a shed roof with vaulted ceiling covered by 8″ SIP panels. I originally intended to lay reflective foil membrane over my SIPs followed by 2x sleepers and 1/2″ sheathing to form 1-1/2″ air channels between my SIPs and roofing layer so it vents passively. I plan to cover it with Certainteed’s Flintastic SA CAP 3 layer granular rolled roofing in their “white” color which is like a light grey. My dealer insists I’ll be wasting my money adding a vented space and that there is no need to vent SIP roofs. I understand that the white-ish rolled roofing will reflect more heat than conventional roofing or black epdm, but I find it hard to believe that venting would not be beneficial. I am in Portland, OR where half the year it is cool and wet, and for 4 months it is warm to hot and dry. Clearly we are not as hot as California where Certainteed’s extra reflective Coolstar product is common. None of the roofing suppliers up here stock that product. Am I overthinking this?
What do others think?

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  1. Zdesign||#1

    SIPS安装的最重要细节是录制内部接缝,以防止内部湿度损坏面板。之后,通风口通道可实现第二目的并成为您的磨损层。如果将冰和水直接放在SIPS面板上,需要更换屋顶,则无法在SIPS面板的顶部OSB层上拉,然后像在冷屋顶系统中一样更换它。典型的冷屋顶sips细节是15#毛毡,2x4s flat 24“ OC w/5/8” OSB,然后是典型的屋顶衬里/外部饰面。

  2. Expert Member
    Rick Evans||#2



    我会失去辐射障碍,因为我怀疑这是I级蒸气阻滞剂,并且会击败气隙的任何好处。(温暖,潮湿的空气将在冷辐射屏障的下侧凝结,并最终导致OSB腐烂 - 尤其是在山脊上。

    I would add 30# felt or another vapor open membrane over the OSB Then add your strapping, underoofing and then roofing.

    就像Zdesign所说的那样,我还会用高质量的欧洲胶带(例如Siga Rissan)精心胶带胶带。

  3. 用户-6184358||#3

    What slope is this roof? seems flatish if using rolled roofing. venting is sensitive to roof pitch.

  4. Jon_R||#4

    Don't worry about low slope with your well air sealed, over-sized vent, "vent optional" roof. For example, a 1.5" vent in a 1:12 roof will move about the same CFM due to stack effect as a 1" vent in a 3:12 roof. This is way more than you need for properly air sealed SIPs.


  5. Gregor72||#5

    Thanks all for chiming in...


    Good point, however The radiant barrier I plan to use is perforated so condensation should not be an issue. It's about $150 for the roll. Do you think it is worth using if I create an 1-1/2" vent layer? Seams are sealed with mastic & tape provided by the sip manufacturer. There is no ridge. It is a one plane shed roof.

    Slope is about 1:12. Do you think I'll get enough convective air movement for vents to be useful on a slope that low?

    I see the value of having a divorcement layer. I'm still not convinced I need venting with my light colored roof. However vented channels would provide ability to fry out if a leak ever developed.


  6. 用户-6184358||#6

    Make sure you search this site for how to vent a low slope roof. It has been asked many times. Low slope does not vent thru convection well. But look at the articles on this site so that you understand the issues.

  7. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#7

    A 1-in-12 roof is a low-slope roof, and venting doesn't work in a low-slope roof. For more information, see“绝缘低矮的住宅屋顶。”

    The most important thing you can do is to spend a great deal of time ensuring that you have a bulletproof interior air barrier. I also recommend that you avoid putting any peel-and-stick product on top of your SIPs -- because peel-and-stick products complicate future repairs. Remember: when SIPs rot, it's always the exterior OSB that rots first, not the interior OSB.

    1. Gregor72||#8

      Thorough air sealing under sips - check.

      好的,听起来好像,即使我需要在我的sips和peel n stick之间添加离婚层以减轻未来的维修,但通过2倍条添加通风口的频道也是没有用的。如果我的离婚层直接连接到SIP OSB的顶层,那么我建议我在离婚层中使用什么厚度?


      Thanks all!

      1. YukonBuild2020||#9

        Hi Greg.
        I plan to build a SIP house in zone 7 this summer and am searching for options.

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