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Ancestral Pole barn foundation

perceval9985| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Hi, I live in Quebec in Climate 5b near Vermont border. I have a 100 years old pole barn. 100ft long x 40ft wide. The barn is in good shape and there is only minor repair to be done. My question is:

There was an old concrete slab that is all cracked and broken. I would like to pour a monolythic concrete slab. The pole are sitting on Pier and did not seem to have move over the years. What is the best technics to use for the concrete since I wont heat the entire building. I am planning to use a part of the barn as a heated space when the concrete is done.

I want to keep the ancestral look but use the enterior for other purpose.


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  1. JZohio||#1

    For your monolithic pour expect to use a lot of concrete. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. It sounds like this building has been here a long time and no plans on moving. If you're looking to pour deep enough to incorporate the slab into the foundation of the existing piers, be prepared for more expenses.

    Another option would be to remove the existing slab and pour a floating slab. Use steel reinforcement and rebar to ensure a strong slab. Make cuts into concrete 1 1/2-2" inches deep to ensure any cracking is minimal and does not surface.

  2. perceval9985||#2

    Thanks for your answer. Would you think a 6inch thick slab with mesh and rebars on a 6 inch gravels and 2 inch insulation would be enough?

    1. JZohio||#3

      Would you think a 6inch thick slab with mesh and rebars on a 6 inch gravels and 2 inch insulation would be enough?

      Installed properly, yes. This will really depend also on the installation technique. If you're doing the work yourself, find a local concrete delivery company. They can help you determine the material needed, concrete mix content, and answer even more additional questions. Then on pour day, have about 5-6 helping hands.

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