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Any experience with Kingspan Kooltherm?

Richard Hertz| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson


Does anyone have any practical experience here in the US with Kingspan’s Kooltherm product? I am starting to see it available more online and have a local supply house who can also order it.

I am intrigued by Kooktherm’s higher R value per inch (8 R/in) and it’s better fire resistance compared to other foams.

Does this handle and install like other foams? Are there still concerns with fasteners similar to the issues with the material when it was used originally ~20-30 years ago?


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  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1

    Peter Yost wrote about it her a few years ago:


    Overall he was pretty positive about it.

  2. Zdesign||#2

    I used it on my house over the top of Zip Wall. The biggest thing I found was do not cut it with power tools. The dust made me choke. We cut everything with retractable sheetrock knives. We installed 1x4 strapping over the top wtih 4-1/2" flatloks to hang the siding off of. Weight wise, its very light and does damage easily if dropped.

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