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Are Gel Fireplaces a safe environmentally friendly alternative?

Peter Schonherr| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

The manufacturers all claim that these fireplaces are safe, non toxic, and require no venting. Is there any independent sources of information out there to backup those claims? Also I found out that these fireplaces burn one of two types of gel fuels; ethanol or Isopropyl based. Which is preferable?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I don't have any information on the IAQ implications of burning alcohol indoors without a chimney.

    基本上我知道乙醇y very strong vodka, and it isn't cheap. The first Web site I visited sells alcohol fuel for their gel fireplaces for $42 a gallon. I would say that's enough information for me to look elsewhere for my fireplace fuel.

  2. Riversong||#2

    I realize there' s been some inflation since I last bought moonshine (100 proof) down in Tennessee, but I was paying only $20 a gallon. And I didn't have to burn it in a fireplace to experience the warm glow it provided.

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