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txranger|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我正在德克萨斯州热门和潮湿的东德克萨斯州购买3500平方英尺的房屋。HVAC(两个单元),两个热水加热器(电气)和一条丙烷线在阁楼空间中。将在屋顶甲板 +密封当前通风途径的底面上关闭电池泡沫会大大降低我的公用事业成本。这是一个农村财产,我的公用事业提供商的选择有限,我的KW/HR成本很高。我还必须从屋顶上延伸浴室通风孔,因为它们现在进入阁楼。

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  1. GBA编辑
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    Q. "Would closed-cell foam on the underside of the roof decking + sealing the current ventilation pathways significantly reduce my utility costs?"


    Keeping Ducts Indoors

    Creating a Conditioned Attic



  2. anon3||#2


  3. Stephen Sheehy||#3


  4. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#4

    What he said- venting a bath fan into an attic is a code violation almost everywhere, and should be corrected no matter what happens with the insulation scheme.


    在美国2&3的美国气候区(覆盖了East TX),您只需要在屋顶甲板的底面上的闭孔泡沫即可保护屋顶甲板本身,而IRC的R806.5:


    To do R38 all with closed cell takes 6" of foam (in my neighborhood that would run about $6 per square foot.) To do HFC blown closed cell safely and at high quality would require three lifts of no more than 2" per pass, with a cooling period between lifts to avoid a fire risk from heat build as it cures over a few hours.

    Do do it with an inch of closed cell on the roof deck followed by 8-9" of open cell foam would be less than $4 per square foot. Some open cell foam can be safely installed in 9" lifts, but any would be good for at least 6" per pass safely.

    太阳能电池板将大约25 - 35美元每平方foot (sometimes lower in some parts of TX), but may be a better investment if your electric rates are high and you can be net-metered at retail for 20 years. The shading of the roof provides some direct reduction in cooling load, but the real benefit is the amount of power being offset over the lifecycle. But it's a MUCH bigger investment decision, even if only 1/3 the roof area.

    Whether the roof decks is insulated or not, in your climate a vented attic usually increases the moisture content of the wood inside the attic than an unvented attic. Sealing up the venting without insulating at the roof deck will increase the peak attic temperatures by several degrees, but may lower the actual cooling load by reducing infiltration and the accompanying high latent loads.





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