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Basic ventilation questions

杰森丹尼斯|发布了General Questions

I’m sure most of you are familiar with Matt Risinger. In one of his builds where he used ONLY mini-splits, he mentions using a Panasonic WhisperComfort FV-04VE1 “Spot” ERV in the laundry room as the only ventilation for the entire house. Check the 2:09 mark in this video…

Panasonic在文献中的状态是耳语不适与Ashrae 62.2下的整个房屋通风要求。“您可以通过下载他们的PDF销售表来查看文档......

I understand the idea of a fully ducted ERV…you exhaust stale air from the bathrooms and supply fresh air back to the bedrooms and/or living areas. How can using a single “spot” ERV in the laundry room as is mentioned in the video above move the fresh air to where it needs to be (i.e. bedrooms) without some sort of distribution system (i.e. central air)? Does this actually work? I’m sure Mr. Risinger had good reasons for going that route, I’m just trying to understand what makes this a viable option.

Panasonic also has a video showing this single “spot” ERV acting as whole house ventilation…

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  1. Jon R.||#1

    > Does this actually work?

    To meet code or to provide good ventilation to closed door bedrooms? Even many fully ducted systems don't provide the latter. But some people leave all interior doors open making distribution largely a non-issue.

    1. 杰森丹尼斯||#2



      1. Jon R.||#4

        开门移动大量空气。多少取决于,但我使用了60和137 CFM使用两种不同的方法。无论是这种混合/汇款量是否提供比将直接输送到闭门卧室的大量CFM提供更好或更糟糕的卧室空气质量取决于具体情况。在20 CFM时,开放门几乎肯定会呈现。


  2. Expert Member


    As far as I know, the only ways to provide fresh air to bedrooms without ducts, are to either have spot ventilation (something like Lunos) in each room, or have exhaust-only ventilation located somewhere else, and passive fresh-air intakes in the bedrooms. The second option isn't very effective.

  3. GBA Editor

    Matt Risinger's approach probably complies with ASHRAE 62.2. That said, the members of the ASHRAE 62.2 committee have argued for years on the question of whether the standard should include a distribution requirement rather than simply an airflow rate requirement. As far as I know, ASHRAE 62.2 does not require fresh air distribution.


  4. 杰森丹尼斯||#6



    1. Expert Member



  5. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#8

    The best single proxy for indoor air quality and distribution in my book is CO2. An engineer for the Vermont Energy Investment Corp (which runs our utility energy program, Efficiency Vermont) has done quite a bit of testing of mechanical ventilation systems using a CO2 monitoring device ( In this study and in conversations I have had with Brian Just, and my own testing using a CO2 monitor: the distribution system is key, especially with doors closed but even with bedroom doors open, just not enough air movement to adequately distribute without dedicated distribution system.

    此外,毫不奇怪,我们的Martin Holladay有一个最近的通风博客,他引用/讨论的研究://


    1. Jon R.||#9

      注意图7B.shows that open doors came very close to 1000 ppm - and they would have done better if the homes complied with ASHRAE 62.2 (as Risinger's build does).


      It's easy to show that many "best practice" dedicated distribution systems don't provide enough air movement either. For example, with 15 CFM to a closed door, 2 person bedroom, expect ~2000 ppm. Would take more than 30 CFM to beat the Fig 7B results.

      在我看来,避免使用最小通风并建立一些超过ASHRAE 62.1的系统(不仅仅是62.2)。

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