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Battery powered on demand water heater

Saverio2096| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Which is the best off grid On Demand LPG battery powered hot water heater on the market ??? I would appreciate any product ideas.

Thank you

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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hey Saverio2096,

    There's not too much discussion here of off-the-grid homes. But I'm bumping your question back to the top of the queue in hopes that someone with some experience with battery powered water heaters comes by and sees it.

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    马雷(总部in Puerto Rico) sells a number of gas and LP tankless water heaters suitable for off-grid applications. In cold climates even the biggest battery ignition version ( GA16LPDP ) would cover a 2 gpm shower and not much other simultaneous use in the dead of winter, but it's way better than nothing:

    The big orange box store carries/supports Marey water heaters in most of the US, but they may have to be ordered online and shipped to the local store, but there may be other/cheaper sources. See:

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