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BILL WICHERS|Posted in一般的问题on

I’m doing some renovation work on a leaky bay window. This bay window is on the ground floor and has nothing structural above it (roof has a separate header, so the structure in the pics is only supporting the bay window itself). There is a stone veneer over the exterior of the bottom of the bay window.


My question is how best to air seal and insulate this, and does anyone have any ideas to deal with the rotten sheathing without destroying the stone veneer on the outside?

right now I’m planning to air seal in the usual way (caulk and canned foam), put in mineral wool batts, then membrain, then the original stained plywood interior. Under the bench in the bay window I’m thinking of installing some 1” EPS or XPS (I have both left over from other sites). I haven’t opened up the floor yet, which I believe is over a small slab off the wall of the crawlspace, but plan to put a layer of 2” XPS down on top of the slab and seal it to the EPS/XPS on the walls.

海湾窗中的现有“天花板”被染成胶合板。I’m planning on removing that, putting 2” of rigid foam on the outside of the header (outside is cold side), 2” of XPS above the plywood “ceiling”, then putting some fiberglass “shake and rake” in on top of the XPS to get as much insulation as I can in the small space. The “attic” above the bay window is a small space but is connected with the vented attic over the main room the bay window is in.



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  1. GBA编辑
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hey Bill.


    1. 专家成员
      BILL WICHERS||#2

      灰色在第一个图片是某种马斯onry backer. It looks like it has lath in it, but it’s very flat and smooth so it’s not the old school mortar-over-metal-lath. I think it may be some kind of cement board. There MIGHT be some tar paper between the concrete board and the wood sheathing, but it’s hard to tell for sure. You can see some remains around the edges in that first pic, but it might just be rotted wood too. The wood is VERY rotten there, mostly dried out now, but so crumbly I can brush it away with my finger. There is no air gap, the cement board, which I’m assuming the stone veneer is directly attached to, is right against the sheathing with nothing more than maybe a sheet of tar paper between.

      I’m pretty sure this was a DIY job by the previous owners. There doesn’t appear to be any flashing under the windows, so I think water leaked in sometimes in big storms (blown rain, there is a roof overhang so rain can’t get directly inside), then dribbled in under the sill. There is no sign of any caulk. In the spring I’ll replace the 2x4 they used as a decorative sill with some PVC trimboard with a drip edge of some sort.

      翻新这个地方被证明是一种冒险。在另一个房间里,我们在一个可能的10英尺门口发现了一个大2x12标头,一端有一个国王螺柱,但没有杰克螺柱。我们开玩笑地称其为“女王螺柱” :-)指甲都弯曲了,最终下垂了一英寸。标头固定了屋顶的一侧。修复并不难,但很惊讶。


  2. 专家成员



  3. 专家成员
    Akos Toth||#4



    I think the only proper fix is removing the stone and re-siding, but might be worth it to wait for the stone to fail before a proper fix.

  4. GBA编辑
    Brian Pontolilo||#5

    I had the same though as Akos. If you proceed as if the house had no sheathing and create an air gap, you give the masonry somewhere to dry when the sun is beating on it. Basically, you'd be creating the air space it should have had from the beginning. Something like this:

  5. 专家成员

    I can’t furr out the studs here due to the way the interior bend and trim are constructed, but I can use some 1/4” fanfold HPS with the “safe and sound” mineral wool that is about 3” to give an air gap of about 1/2”. The thin XPS would still be vapor open(ish) for some drying. There is nowhere to tie the vent gap into otherwise unless I get really creative with drilling some vent holes in the window sill. I don’t have a way to vent the bottom to the outside at all.

    最初,我一直在考虑只使用定期的深度矿物质羊毛巴特和内部的膜,思考是可以干燥的,但这将是直接与旧护套的矿物质羊毛棒。您是否认为像布莱恩(Brian)的绘画中有一些刚性泡沫的气隙是一个更好的主意?该方法的缺点是R的总体值较小,并且没有真正发泄该空间空间的实际方法。我可以无论哪种方式都可以构建它,只是试图以最佳方式进行 - 最佳创可贴,基本上是:-)





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