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Retrofitting an Attic

Kenny Younger|发布General Questions


We bought a 1993-built house in Fayetteville, AR (Zone 4a, also ~1500ft elevation if that matters). It has a very steep gable roof with two east-facing dormers that serve as the windows of the master bedroom upstairs.


1) Roof is not ridge vented, but there are a couple gable vents and I believe soffit vents. There does not seem to be any condensation issues from what we can tell.
2) Bathrooms are venting INTO the attic.
4) Original blow-in insulation isn’t great, and could also stand replacing.



Last, and most pressing, concern here is insulation/encapsulation. It’s hard to suss out the appropriate recommendation about this as I read through older to newer articles here. I know sometimes roof line plays a role. What would make sense with the gable roof with the two dormers?

I initially got quotes for spray foam, but after reading some more, I have a bit of concern about the safety it, as I have small children (2yo & 5yo). Perhaps unfounded, but I’m not opposed to this if there is little risk and it is our only option.

- 肯尼

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  1. Expert Member


    If you keep the attic vented, a ridge vent is more efficient than gable vents, but gable vents can work. If you put on a new roof at some point, I would absolutely install a ridge vent at that time, and be sure to use a proper ridge vent and not one of the "shingle over a piece of foam" type "vents".


    You mention you have a "steep" attic. How steep is "steep"? Could you possible frame out a small mechanical room in there? If you could, you could seal up that room and leave the rest of the attic vented (taking care to keep the ductwork inside the building envelope as much as possible). If you go this route, you could use rigid foam and batts for insulation, avoiding the use of spray foam.


    1. Kenny Younger||#5

      Thanks for the advice. I am exploring the idea of getting a room built, yes. We've just had issue getting access, so I'm not entirely sure how much space is up there. I might put a pause on all this until I can really examine things.

      绝缘屋顶护套的外部是否是更好的方法(考虑到我们在未来5 - 10年内可能需要更换屋顶)?我读过这是一个很好的方法,但不知道那里要考虑什么。我想找到一个合格的安装程序可能是其中最重要的部分。

  2. 沃尔特·阿尔格里姆(Walter Ahlgrim)||#2


    If that seems impossible consider that gable wall plus the roof sheeting may have double the surface area of the attic floor. This surface area will likely loose more than twice as much energy as a well-insulated attic floor simply because almost no one will spend the money to put up R60 spray foam over that vast area given its high cost. Almost anyone can spread R60 on the attic floor with the free blower Home Depo will provide.





    1. Kenny Younger||#4

      Oh wow I never thought of it that way. Amazing advice.

      Also, for me, getting rid of gas is a health/sustainability measure. I would like to one day be fully self-powered with solar and other renewables. Not as concerned about that $20/mo either, but a token reward for achieving that goal, I suppose :)

    2. 亚历克斯||#6

      如果您有2x4桁架,在地板上喷R60仍然有意义吗?我试图弄清楚如何修复阁楼 - 天花板上的盒子和4英寸绝缘的盒子没有空中密封,楼上所有的管道都在那里。我觉得如果我将其提高到最低限度(塞勒姆俄勒冈州,所以我认为R-38)很难再去那里进行维护,检查屋顶或从阁楼上做任何形式的改进。

      1. 沃尔特·阿尔格里姆(Walter Ahlgrim)||#8

        Alex I do not think they can spray R60 and follow the manufactures instructions because it would be too thick even if it was possible no one that does math would do it because the foam is so expensive no one could live long enough to get a return on that investment.



  3. Charlie Sullivan||#7



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