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Best Insulation Practices in Quebec, Zone 7

Rob Henderson|发布了General Questions




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  1. GBA Editor

    Q. "Are there issues with using closed cell spray foam in conjunction with exterior foam board?"

    A. Yes. For a long-lasting wall assembly, it's best if the wall sheathing can dry in at least one direction. That means that if you decide to install rigid foam on the exterior of your wall, you should choose a vapor-permeable insulation (fiberglass, mineral wool, cellulose, or open-cell spray foam) to install between the studs.

    有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅Calculating the Minimum Thickness of Rigid Foam Sheathing

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    It really depends on the thickness & types of spray foam & foam board. A flash-inch of closed cell polyurethane foam isn't sufficiently tight to qualify as a vapor barrier under Canadian code, but it almost is. (In practical terms it's "as good as..." ). Unfaced Type -II EPS doesn't get there until it's more than 3" thick.

    闭合电池泡沫通过铆钉热桥接是浪费的好泡沫。虽然中心腔R可以非常高,但是壁的热性能受到通过框架馏分传导的热量的限制。在2x4腔内的R6 /英寸闭孔泡沫的全腔填充仅为R13纤维素腔填充或R15岩棉将提供的全壁性能增加了大约R2。

    Save the foam budget for fatter exterior foam- it'll buy a lot more performance per dollar, and it buys more moisture resilience too. If you put 4" of EPS on the exterior it typically costs less than $2 per square foot, and with a cellulose or batt cavity fill and the described rainscreen gap you'd be at about R26-27 whole-wall. With 3.5" of closed cell foam the foam would cost you over $3 per square foot, and you'd have a whole-wall R of about R12 plus the R value of the exterior foam. With the closed cell foam cavity fill it would take 3" of exterior EPS to hit comparable performance to the 4" EPS + cellulose cavity fill wall.

    With R15 rock wool and 3" of exterior EPS (R12-12.5) you would have sufficient dew-point control at the sheathing to build it without interior vapor retarders, and it would still have some drying capacity toward the exterior. With R13 cavity fill you'd make it with only 2.5" (R10-ish), but more exterior-R is always better.


  3. Rob Henderson||#3

    谢谢马丁!还有一个问题:采取时间和精力在护套/ tyvek之间创造空域,并计算出的完成楼梯?

  4. GBA Editor

    问:“采取时间和精力,在护套/刚性泡沫/ Tyvek之间创造一个空域,并获得完成的房屋榜样?”

    A. Usually, yes. For more information on this issue, seeAll About Rainscreens

  5. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#5

    The air space is even more important with board & batten siding, which often gets in more rain penetration than clapboards or ship lap siding.

  6. Rob Henderson||#6


    1. Would horizontal furring strips, with adequate kerfs for airflow, be okay... or should I go to the trouble of a base-layer of vertical furring and overlay rows of horizontal over that? Basically will horizontal furring strips only defeat the purpose of the rainscreen?

    2. If we went with the 4" of exterior foam, w/rainscreen, I am having trouble visualizing trim details at the top of the wall where it meets the soffit. Would I trim that with an extra thick trim board and run the foam up to that.... or run the foam all the way to the top of the sheathing and put trim board over top of it as well as the siding? Would this area require flashing? How would I create ventilation for the top of the rainscreen..... Any suggestions or visuals would be great.

  7. GBA Editor


    The trim at the top of your wall (the frieze board) can be in the same plane as your battens. Or, if you prefer, you can use 5/4 stock for your frieze (installed on top of the siding boards) and 3/4" (nominal 1") battens, so that the frieze is proud of the battens.

    有关排出RIANSCREEN顶部的信息,请参阅以前链接的文章:All About Rainscreens。但请记住,如果您只需安装水平粗发条(而不是垂直+水平),就没有真正需要排出雨屏差距的顶部。

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