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Best roller for installing self-adhered housewrap?

Tara Murray| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I’m looking for contractors’ preferred methods for installing self-adhered housewrap like Blueskin VP100/160. Most of these types of wraps have pressure-sensitive adhesives and a standard j-roller seems too small for applying pressure evenly over a wider surface than typical window flashing.
Does anyone have any preferred tools or methods other than using a standard j-roller?

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  1. Expert Member
  2. Tara Murray||#2

    Thanks, Michael!

  3. Chris Charron||#3

    We used a wider, 3 roller j roller thinking it would apply pressure over a wider area.

    We ended up using one side or the other to apply more force, a smaller J roller probably would have been more useful.

    The Solitex Tape and Underlayment we used for the roof came with small squeegees, which seem to work pretty well.

  4. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#4

    Hi Tara.

    I've rolled plenty of flashing tape, but never a fully adhered WRB. That's a lot of surface area. It seems like it would be nice to have something pretty wide to get the work done efficiently and a smaller J-roller for certain areas, like when you lap the WRB into a rough opening.

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