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Impact of self adhered WRB on window/door replacement

Kyle Bentley| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

Hi All,

I’ve been mulling over the impacts of self adhered WRB (Blueskin VP100, Grace Vycor and the like) on the repairability and replacement of ‘wear items’ in the future. Since window flashings are often integrated into the WRB, taped, or otherwise sealed, will it be relatively more difficult to replace windows in say, 30 years, if one of those is used?

With traditional WRB’s, flashing can be tucked in/around/under, and for the most part flashed in the same way as the original. I’ve been reading articles on how windows are typically replaced, and it seems that this will create somewhat more work than would otherwise be required.

Has anyone with experience replacing both found there to be a difference, and is the quality of the replacement window up to par with the original, assuming it was installed correctly in the beginning?



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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1


    The only place it might be a problem is at the head. If you wanted you could keep the self-adhered WRB up a few inches above the head-flashing and use a short strip of conventional WRB below that.

    两件事可能让最多的人difference in the ease of replacement are having the siding butt up to the trim, not extend under it, and having a rain-screen.

  2. Kyle Bentley||#2

    Thanks for the thoughts Malcom. I hadn't considered the trim as part of the replacement, but it makes perfect sense.

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