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Erik Olofsson|发布General Questions

我刚刚在我们的新R-2000版本上进行了鼓风机门测试。房子几乎可以占用了。最初的测试显示约1.3 ach @ 50 pa,但我确定它的测试会更严格。

偷偷摸摸后,我意识到HRV的内部供应和排气扩散器都严重地发生空气。密封外部供应和排气通风口后,ACH降至.8 ACH。为什么会发生这种情况?

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  1. Dan Kolbert||#1


  2. Erik Olofsson||#2

    again, this was my first test. but when i think about it, what else was supposed to happen? the are basically two 6" diameter holes in the envelope that can't be sealed...? is the hrv supposed to be running when the blower door test takes place?

  3. Sean Lintow Sr||#3

    Erik when running the test the unit is supposed to be off with the dampers closed or sealed off

  4. Erik Olofsson||#4


  5. Dan Kolbert||#5

    Right - I read the question too quickly. Also the range hood, dryer vent, etc.

  6. Erik Olofsson||#6


  7. David Meiland||#7


    Just for the sake of discussion, the difference between your two tests should be somewhat close to the total size of the supply and exhaust openings for the HRV.

  8. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#8

    For more information on conducting a blower-door test, seeBlower Door Basics

    有关测试Passivhaus协议的信息,请参阅Blower-door protocol for verification of 0.6 ACH50 for Passive House certification。该文件指出:“ HRV系统的排气和供应管道应密封。”

    More information here:鼓风机门测试的指南

  9. Gio Robson||#9




    In the case of HRV supply and exhaust ports, the R-2000 tester must either tape off the openings OR, if the HRV has dampers on both supply and exhaust legs, the controls should be all set to off so that the unit is off and dampers closed. Unfortunately, the dampers on many models do not create a perfect airtight seal when closed, and may still leak considerably.


    正如您指出的那样,在像您建造的较小房屋上,故意的开放泄漏(IE HRV端口)可能会对ACH结果产生巨大影响。在诸如我居住的寒冷气候下,无障碍的HRV是一个坏主意。



  10. Erik Olofsson||#10

    thanks for the links, martin. the gba has so much good stuff it's sometimes hard to find exactly what you are looking for..
    gio, we installed a lifebreath 155ecm. as you know, i need 1.5ach to meet the r2000 target and even with the vents unsealed we got 1.2ach. the official results show that after we sealed the exterior hrv vents, we got .73ach. i still thought this was leaky given the amount of time and energy we put into the air barrier. alas, the major culprit now seems to be air entering the crawlspace from around the 4" waste pipe and the water line. where THAT air is coming from is beyond me. i have read that air can make its way down the outside of the foundation and under the footing and into the house but i just figured this was an myth..

  11. Curt Kinder||#11

    0.73 ...快乐!

  12. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#12

    不只是快乐 - 很兴奋!(那是一个邪恶的房子!)

    Air getting in under the slab really IS an issue, but the penetrations in the floor tend to be few. Slabs are typically poured over a very air-permeable layer of clean stone for moisture control. Even clay soils are somewhat air-permeable, and you're dealing with a very large surface area, so yeah, air even moves in soil when you give it 50 pascals of pressure differential.

  13. Gio Robson||#13

    C上gratulations on the great air tightness results. With respect to where the air coming in around your slab penetrations is coming from, I'd be more concerned with what it contains. Soil gases coming up from under your slab can contain radon. Beyond energy efficiency, and comfort reasons for the sake of indoor air quality and occupant health it makes sense to take the time to seal these penetrations thoroughly, especially if you are in an area with above normal radon concentrations.


  14. Erik Olofsson||#14

    gio, do you know if the r2000 program requires you to balance the 'cold' side of the system?

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