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I have a client who is interested in getting loose fill mineral wool blown into the attic and interior wall and ceiling cavities (‘drill and fill’) of her 1986 builder-grade house, primarily for insulation in the attic and sound attenuation (noise between rooms and from plumbing). Absolutely does not want to pull off crown moulding/base/trim to add another layer of gyp. board or isolation clips.

I have suggested that this is probably a large cost for a fairly minimal STC improvement, and I’m unfamiliar with any modern blown mineral wool products. I can find one or two on google (roxul’s is discontinued, Rockwool, insul-fill). I’m also a bit concerned about weight on the gyp. when blowing it into a ceiling cavity.

我将开始召集代表对此做出的看法,但是我很好奇 - 除了纤维素或FG以外,有人做过钻孔吗?怎么走了?

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  1. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    A guy in my office had rock wool blown into his 1840s vintage antique 30+ years ago. It went reasonably smoothly, and has held up quite well. The only issue he had during the installation had to do with the framing anomalies, where the wall cavities were open to the floor joist cavities between floors, and a LOT of rock wool got blown between floor/ceiling joists before the contractor figured it out. The ceilings didn't sag from the weight, but the contractor spent a day figuring out how to block the joist bays without ruining the antique plaster ceilings. A 1980s house won't have those issues.

    The technique doesn't vary too much from cellulose, and it's somewhat less dusty due to the fact that it doesn't come with or need fire retardents.

    The density of open blown attic rock wool isn't dramatically heavier than fiberglass, and quite a bit lighter than cellulose, typically still well under 1lb per square foot @ R49. Open blown cellulose would roughly 2x that of open blown rock wool at any given R-value. Take a peek at this document:


  2. Keith H||#2


    您提到管道噪音。我想,如果您在阁楼或爬网空间中裸露管道,将用较厚的橡胶果皮和粘液管面条隔离管道,更便宜,更有效。一段时间后,我更换了失败的1英寸的Poly Tube(我不跟你开玩笑),这是我的管道主,用1英寸铜,并用橡胶管绝缘覆盖。与泵相关的噪音从整个房屋中回荡变成非常适中的嗡嗡声。较少的热水温度损失或冷水管线缩合的奖励点。为了获得最大的好处,每次拉一个1/2孔管夹,以便您可以在整个运行中运行隔热材料并相应地尺寸。


    What's the insulation up in the attic look like in general? I can't believe that a modern depth of cellulose wouldn't address enough of ceiling transmission under the attic. Blow more cellulose?

    什么是加热系统?强迫空气?跳管怎么样?有吗?我会先责怪那些。背对背供应怎么样?更多罪魁祸首。直接切入供应躯干线?那也会传播噪音。您确定没有螺柱湾回报吗? I'd certainly be sure to identify those before blowing any stud bays? My old house had these. They also don't help with noise transmission but wall stacking after the fact is pretty destructive.

    How about back to back outlets or switch boxes between hallways and bedrooms? Trying to address those might be inexpensive.

    Can you tell if the interior door framing has a large void? Popping the door trim and using canned spray foam can really help reduce the noise coming around the door through the trim.

    I think Roxul does an amazing job of reducing high frequency noise like voices or road noise (and not a ton for low frequency like bass etc) but it doesn't sound like you have any real opportunity to use Safe N Sound or Comfortbatt.

    Instead of noise dampening the whole house, what about the central bedroom hallway (if it has such a thing)? Pop the trim and door trims in the hallway, comfortbatt all the bays, dampen around penetrations or piping. You wouldn't be addressing room-room but maybe that would provide common area-room noise.


    I don't really address your question but I hope those ideas help figure out what will really help your client.

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