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Building with ICFs — will it lower the EMFs?

Kami Kline|发布了General Questions


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  1. GBA Editor

    我发现证据表明EMF的前女友posure to human health problems to be unconvincing.


    "Electric meters and subpanels are powerful EMF emitters. Place these on walls of spaces where occupants spend the least time. Both sides of the wall should be in low usage regions as EMF’s are not blocked by walls. An example of a suitable location would be an outside garage wall.





    "Locate the overhead secondary service wire or the underground secondary service trench in a little-used area of the yard.


    "Due to the number of appliances in a kitchen, it is an area of high EMF’s. However, it is an area of short-term exposure in most cases. Locate kitchen appliances on a wall away from high use areas that may adjoin the kitchen such as bedrooms or living rooms."



    "Best to use flexible steel MC (metal clad) or rigid (EMT) cable for all circuits to avoid AC electric field exposure


    "Run remaining Romex circuits well away from bedrooms and daytime sitting areas

    "Always wire smoke detectors with MC cable."

  2. Kami Kline||#2

    good advice Martin. I have a lot of this written down, but I hadn't read about the MC or EMT cable. EMF's are real to me. I can feel it and it makes me weak so I want to make sure I have my basis covered. Just curious what others have come up with.

  3. Expert Member

    要成为法拉第笼,所有导电元素都需要电连接 - 您打算如何将金属屋顶连接到钢筋?


    But the grounding structure and neutral connections (even from stray capacitance in plug loads) can defeat even foil-shielded twisted pairs.

    Magnetic ballasted fluorescent fixtures do not meet present-day efficiency standards, but produced fairly high line-frequency (and harmonics thereof) EMF. Electronically ballasted fluorescents (self-ballasted CFLs and LEDs too) produce a lot of higher frequency (10s of kilohertz to maybe 20 megahertz) emissions.

    Cathode ray tube displays (older non flat-screen TVs & computer monitors) had huge low frequency EMF issues. The power supplies in flat screen TVs produce a lot of higher frequency (100kHz-20MHz) emissions.

    All AC electric motors produce large low frequency EMFs.

    To lower EMF risk by very much you'd have to use only DC power, at a fixed voltage, and no plug loads that have internal power supplies that change that voltage, and nothing that has an electric motor (not even DC motors), and stay at least 1/4 mile from the nearest grid transformer or powerline. The notion that you can achieve any useful shielding with the building enclosure has no basis. Radio frequency shielded chamber buildings that are full Faraday cages that are lined with carbon loaded foam EMF absorbers used for emissions & immunity testing still have measurable line frequency EMF inside the buildings. Skin depth on very low frequency EMFs are large- effective shielding against line frequency requires extremely conductive metals (gold works, silver does too, but aluminum might be more affordable) that are thicker than 24 gauge roofing, or use of exotic alloys with extremely low magnetic reluctance (known in the trade as "mu-metal"). But as soon as you penetrate the Faraday cage with an electrical conductor (aka "antenna") all bets are off, be it wiring (powered or otherwise) or metal plumbing, etc.

    我的职业生涯中的一部分是一部分,作为追逐干扰和低功耗和低频,高频和低电平的干扰和排放问题的电气工程师。(我甚至在桌面抽屉里有一个低频磁性EMF仪表,我目前坐在那里,不是我经常使用它 - 否则它将被埋在我的桌子顶部的其余杂乱!:-))大多数来自网站的废话警告风险和推荐修复方法只是,骚扰毫无疑问,以极少的物理到超出电力和磁力的5年级理解,以及如何处理它。(从实际测量它的人那里拿走它,并设计了电气和电子设备的外壳设计,具有硬质指定的排放限制了一个非常广泛的电力和频率的排放。)


  4. David Meiland||#4



  5. Kami Kline||#5

    I can't go to stores and last for long with the overhead fluorescent lights. They make me weak. I don't have any in my house and don't intend to.
    I basically want to make sure the wiring is done so to minimize EMF's.

  6. 金喀扎山||#6

    哇,你似乎被这么多...... :(

    Solar power with DC electricity shouldn't bother you too much.

    Dana Dorsett:如果他使用DC到交流变频类型的东西,它只会在使用中发出吗?


    but i would have a serious dicussion with someone that has alot of knowledge about galvanic corrosion and such ... as the roof will see alot of water and friction, could also have some kind of electrical "soup" with the ICF wall rebars.

    I see metal roofs that look to be at least 100 years old around here so i'd take a sheet roof

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