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有一个问题在绝缘,actually trying to guide a neighbor who is also finishing basement and we are buying items together to get some discounted prices.

What we differ on is reason for basement; we are doing for personal use and he is doing for sale of house in spring/summer. Hence while I have decided on xps for wall insulation he has decided [for cost savings] to leave existing blanket pink fiberglass insulation then to frame in front and then new pink fiberglass batts.

I initially tried to discourage with no luck so now trying to make best of it. Did suggest not to have double vapor barrier and therefore he should slit or remove the existing VB once framing done and then VB over new batts.

But then read online how it is advised that fiberglass insulation not to touch cement walls.

将现有的毯子粉红色玻璃纤维绝缘留在VB [无狭缝而不是删除]然后在前面的框架上框架,并将新的玻璃纤维BATT放入没有VB的情况下,然后干燥墙?



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  1. GBA Editor


    My advice is simple: remove all of the existing fiberglass batts and the existing polyethylene and put the materials in a Dumpster. If your neighbor wants to insulate basement walls on the interior, he should use rigid foam or closed-cell spray foam.

    以下是有关此问题的更多信息的文章的链接:How to Insulate a Basement Wall.

  2. Jim Tyler||#2


  3. dorsett.||#3

    XPS among the least-green foam insulation choices due to the HFC134a blowing agent used. EPS or polyiso are blown with pentane, which is far more benign. (Less than 1% of the global warming potential of HFC134a, and in many or most cases the bulk of that pentane is recovered and burned for process heat at he manufacturing site, turning it into CO2 and water, which are even more benign.)

    在没有洪水历史的合理干燥地下室,合理地使用刚性泡沫与混凝土的组合,用玻璃纤维或岩棉羊毛绝缘壁到刚性泡沫的内侧。必须在没有内侧蒸汽屏障的情况下进行,以避免刚刚夹持的水分 - 仅脱气或牛皮纸面对纤维绝缘,而且没有聚乙烯片,乙烯基或箔壁纸,只有标准的乳胶涂料。如果板坯没有从下方绝缘,则建议底板和板之间的一英寸的EPS作为毛细管和热断裂。

    The amount of wall foam necessary to make this a moisture safe assembly depend on climate. If you used the IRC chapter 7 prescriptives for wood-sheathed above grade walls for your climate zone, it would be sufficient for basement walls as well.

    In most of the northern US climate zones code-min for basement walls would be the equivalent of R15 continuous insulation. That could be 3" of polyiso, 4" of EPS. In zone 5 that could be either 1" of polyiso or 1.5" of EPS and a 2x4 studwall with R13-R15 batts, but in higher zones it would require a bit more foam (and it would beat code-min performance). In zone 6 that could be 1.5" polyiso or 2" of EPS, in zones 7 & 8 it could be done with 1.5" of polyiso or 2" of EPS, plus a 2x3 studwall and compressed batts.


  4. 乔治·努力||#4

    Hi Martin, Totally agree with your suggestion however neighbor not going to stay at house for long time before selling so can not convince otherwise.

    For my part, happy to see that local hardware store has xps on sale.





  5. 艾伦B.||#5

    Where are you located OP?

  6. GBA Editor



  7. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#7

    George: Polyethylene clad batting of the type used in metal buildings had a brief surge in popularity as basement insulation a couple of decades ago, but it's track record over the long haul has been generally poor, with lots of failures and unintended mold-farms. Covering it up with new fiber insulation won't fix anything, it will only make it worse.

    You still haven't hinted about your climate zone / location and it might actually matter, changing the particulars of what works or doesn't.

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