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Cedar fence pickets as cladding?

马克斯·E| Posted inGeneral Questionson


I want to install open joint siding on the house I’m building.

I can buy western red cedar fence planks in 8 ft lengths for about the same price as lp smartside or hardie board.

2 questions – there any reason at all that cedar pickets would not be a good idea?

The boards will be painted, regardless of which option we decide on.

Climate is zone 3a

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  1. Walter Ahlgrim||#1

    Tell us about how you will keep the rain water out of your walls with such large gaps?

    Will you have a large air gap behind the board to aid in drying?



    Most barns use vertical siding as you describe and hold up well.


  2. 马克斯·E||#2

    I won't keep the rain water out of the walls. A little will get in but if Joe lstiburek is to be believed open joint systems generally work better than non open joint.

    There will be a .75" air gap behind the siding.

    I will have two layers of web behind the siding.

    No direct sunlight can get to wrb through a 1/8 gap. and very little reflected sunlight

    Can you expound on why it seems like a poor choice compared to hardie?

  3. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#3


    Can you link to Joe's comments on open-cladding?

    Research by RDH shows that rather than a little bulk water penetrating gapped-cladding and hitting the WRB, quite a lot does. To me that means the cladding becomes largely aesthetic, and the WRB takes on the role usually assumed by cladding - dealing with wetting and drying further into the wall, where the assembly is more vulnerable.


  4. 专家成员

    I have done this with horizontal cedar boards (1x3). With horizontal boards a lot less water makes it behind but still way more than regular siding. You have to be diligent with your WRB details and you must use a UV stable WRB (ie AirOutshield UV or RevealShield SA). Make sure the product you pick is also vapor permeable. Be careful as there are a lot of UV stable products for roofing that are vapor barriers.


    1. 马克斯·E||#8

      Thanks for this info. I was going to do what Eric reinholt of 30x40 design studio did- tar paper. But two layers. Actually, that's what I'm doing regardless ,as the tar paper on my 33 yr old house looked almost brand new when we changed windows last year-and this was with t1-11 siding right against the tar paper.

  5. 杰米B.||#5

    Hi Max,

    Years ago I was looking into an open joint cladding system. They are awesome from an aesthetics perspective. I personally am not opposed to them in theory, as long as they're done correctly, however I've never done one and don't have personal experience so anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt.

    I'm sure you know this, but for the sake of progression of thought: typically, cladding is meant to shed the bulk water, and then the wrb is meant to handle the small amounts of water that may or may not get through. It's a pretty good system, it has two layers of control to account for failures. (I live up north and like to do exterior rockwool between the wrb and cladding, which adds another layer of water management).



    1. Cedar boards can work, they're dimensionally more stable than Hardie, but they'll certainly require maintenance to keep them up to snuff. Just like any ol' fence they're susceptible to greying and checking. I just had a neighbours fence board fly off their fence from a wind storm and smash a skylight at my build.

    2. Hardie在与他们的技术团队交谈时,我的知识并非设计在他们背面的批量水。他们的防水层是涂料。你可能会和他们一起获得早期失败。我用水和冻结/解冻的东西做了一堆个人撕裂。聪明的一面我没有经验,但昨天正在看他们的网站。我不认为他们有直木板吗?他们的系统是为了圈子壁板,我认为如果你差距,我认为看起来很可怕。而且我确信他们的欧黛尼就会比想要在背后的欧洲织布机上的失败。你可以c的东西,并要求他们的技术团队。

    Just some thoughts,


    1. 马克斯·E||#9


      圈壁板可以看起来goo ooood

  6. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#6


    The first is his dismissal of the amount of water that penetrated the wall. RDH shows it isn't insignificant, whether or not the open-cladding dries at a rate higher than it allows wetting, you are still allowing too much wetting to occur.



    1. 马克斯·E||#10

      This is VERY helpful information.i thank you. From the first link, it looks like the open joi t cladding with half inch gaps admitted quite a bit of water.

      From the second link, it says wood dries by vapor movement from wet area to dry area. So with cedar maybe I don't even need a rain gap? Very interesting. This has me leaning more towards lap siding now. I like the look of lap siding and it would save a step if didn't have to install firring strips


      1. 专家成员
        Malcolm Taylor||#12



  7. Walter Ahlgrim||#7




    If you are committed to this look, I bet you can find a local mill to supply the green wood that install tight will dry and leave the gap you want for a lot less money.


    1. 马克斯·E||#11


      我想要打开关节只是为了假设的干燥能力。现在我在想常规圈壁板。我将研究Hardie Board的透气性。



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