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干燥机通风口到外部 - 建筑物的材料

约翰·沃尔斯| Posted inBuilding Code Questionson

I’m trying to find a better way to get the vent through the wall in a brick veneer home—new construction.


所以,我的问题 - pvc满足代码吗?
Possible remedies–put the cheap thin wall metal device through the ID of the PVC (would that meet code?), or replace the PVC with a piece of thin wall stainless pipe.



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  1. 里克•沃克||#1

    我们的住宅代码规定了干燥机排气管的规定,应由0.016英寸厚的刚性金属制成 - 配备了后草减速器。还有更多,但这解决了您的主要关注点。我建议您与干燥机制造商联系以获取更多信息。如果您可以让制造商与您的PVC一起使用,请将该信息带到当地建筑部门,并要求首席建筑官员将其视为替代材料。

  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2

    2006 IRC,M1502节,“干衣机排气”,特别是M1502.5:“管道结构。排气管应以最低0.016英寸厚的刚性金属管道构造,具有光滑的内部表面,其关节朝着方向延伸空气流。排气管不得与薄层螺钉或固定方式连接到管道中。”

  3. 约翰·沃尔斯||#3

    So, if I leave the PVC pipe in tact, and install the .016" thick metal duct inside the PVC, it sounds like that would meet code. Right?
    Does flapper have to be metal?

  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4

    All code interpretations are local -- subject to the ruling of your local inspector.

  5. Dick Russell||#5

    For the outside part, look at the Heartland Dryer Vent. It's solid construction, will last, won't have the noise of a light metal flapper, and provides backdraft protection.

  6. 约翰·沃尔斯||#6


  7. 丹尼·范德比尔(Danny Vanderbyl)||#7

    Hi guys,

    I found this innovative dryer vent cap while browsing around. It actually looks like quite a winner. What are your thoughts?


  8. Dick Russell||# 8

    JW,我想您会喜欢心脏地带。它是坚硬的塑料,也不是脆弱的。有人可能会说它比普通的墙帽具有更明显的配置文件,但我更喜欢功能。漏水的设备比我一段时间后不会注意到的东西更困扰我。我画了矿山绿色的亨特·格林(Hunter Green),以匹配房屋装饰。为此,我使用了Krylon融合喷雾剂可以绘画,结果看起来像是以这种方式交付的。


    DV, my thoughts on that Tec Products cap is that it still could be subject to lint buildup at the hinge, as happens with typical hinged flappers. I can't say for sure that the product would or wouldn't be apt to collect lint, but I don't trust advertising. I do know that the Heartland cap can collect lint at the floating shuttle (I think the Tec ad must be referring to that cap). My daughter bought a house that has one, and when I popped the cap off it looked like it had never been cleaned. However, the lint buildup was uniform around the perimeter of the shuttle, and it didn't prevent the shuttle from opening or closing properly to prevent backdrafting. I did clean it while I had the cap off. Overall, I like the design.



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