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Lance Peters|发布了能源效率和耐用性

CZ6A, Ottawa Ontario


1. WRB
2. Sheething
3. 2×6带纤维板或纤维素的螺柱
4. 1.5″ foam
5. Gypsum

I guess the air/vapor barrier would be the foam so it would need to be taped, though there won’t bee much moisture in the garage during the colder months. The wall could dry to the outside. The garage won’t be heated, save for whatever heat comes up through the uninsulated slab hopefully keeping it just above freezing.


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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1



    Making the foam continuous means either aligning the framing above with the interior of the foundation wall, or figuring out how to cover the foam below the framing. In either case you probably don't want to bring drywall right down to the slab.

    Remember that California Corners and other typical framing variants don't work with interior foam. It also makes drywall returns on windows a lot more dicey.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Malcolm's points are all good. But to answer your question: You can install a continuous layer of rigid foam on the interior side of your studs if you want. (Malcolm's correct, of course, that it is unlikely that this layer of foam will be continuous with the rigid foam on the interior side of your concrete stemwalls.)

    For more information on this issue, see“内部刚性泡沫的墙壁。”

  3. Lance Peters||#3

    Malcolm / Martin,谢谢你的想法。

    I'm leaning towards 2x8 framing for the garage lined up with the inside of the foundation wall. The walls will be nearly 12 feet tall, and my local code compliance guy indicated a 2x6 wall would need to be on 16" centers at that height. If my Engineer will approve 24" centers with 2x8's the lumber cost difference will be negligible while giving me a thicker insulated wall. I can get the siding lined up with correct batten thickness on the outside, and on the inside my foam layer will line up with the slab layer nicely. I'll use something other than gypsum for the lowest 6" or so of wall finish, perhaps that fancy composite deck material.

    Great point about the corners, Malcolm! I'll be sure to plan ahead for drywall, both in the corners and the wall/ceiling joint.

  4. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#4


    I hadn't even thought about the wall/ceiling joint - good spot!

    I used Timber-tech decking as baseboards in a commercial kitchen last year. Pretty bullet proof.

  5. Dick Russell||#5


    在机库的冻结保护方面,通过板坯的低热量水平使内部远远低于大约37-38 F的冬季。我已经看过它的最寒冷,如距离平板约6英寸,在零的零到单位温度下接近32。我从未见过平板上的冰,甚至靠近门。这是在中部。

  6. Lance Peters||#6

    Dick, thanks for the info! My plan is very similar, to not insulate below the slab and use that as a source of heat to keep the garage above freezing. I don't need it warm, just enough to keep the cars thawed out.

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