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用户-7700619|发布General Questions


My window installer installed my windows using an older method seen here:。The windows were installed without any housewrap on the sheathing and don’t have flashings that are integrated into a WRB (there’s currently no WRB installed), nor do they have a sill pan. Is there any way I can incorporate continuous rigid insulation with the windows being innies and using foil faced and taped polyiso as the AB/WRB? Or is this a situation where the windows either need to be pulled and flashed so that they’re integrated into a WRB or I scrap the idea and leave out the polyiso?

I live in climate zone 3B (San Diego, CA). I have fiberglass Marvin Integrity (Essential) windows. The siding will be stucco. I normally wouldn’t have bothered with continuous insulation but it’s a south facing wall and the thermal bridging is really noticeable.


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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hi user-7700619.

    Too bad they didn't put some flashing tape inside the RO and set your windows on a pitched sill and/or include a back dam, but if the windows were installed as shown in that video including the WRB, I think you would be fine to install exterior rigid foam and if your sheathing wasn't detailed as an air barrier, the foam with some sealant here and there and taped seams will help with air sealing.

    如果您选择不使用刚性泡沫,那么最好在灰泥和护套之间拥有空气空间。一些建筑商使用第二层WRB,但更好的某种类型的3D排水垫,例如Rainscreen Products for Stucco Installations.

  2. 用户-7700619||#2

    Hi Brian,

    Thanks for the reply. I think a lot of installers in San Diego skip the sill pan flashing because we don't see much rain and it's usually warm. Of course that doesn't account for sprinklers hitting windows, etc. I've used closed-cell foam to air seal any penetrations for plumbing and electrical and I'm planning on using a fluid applied flashing to seal the seams in the sheathing as well as the bottom edge.

    Based on your feedback my plan is:
    * Apply fluid applied flashing to sill plate/sheathing connection
    * Apply fluid applied flashing to sheathing seams
    * Install WRB (I think the stucoo installer does a double layer of 60 min paper)
    * Install 2" polyiso with taped seams
    * Install 1x4 strips to attach lath
    * Install lath with rain screen backing as you mentioned

    Thanks again,

    Edit: Type sill plan/sheathing connection -> sill plate/ sheathing connection

  3. Expert Member



    Grooved foam is stock item at most EIFS suppliers, it avoids you needing rain screen backing or the 1x4 strips.


    There is no need for two layers of WRB under the foam, the two layers are only needed if the stucco is directly applied.

    1. 用户-7700619||#4

      Hi Akos,

      That's for the detail link. It looks like the stack up is:

      * Sheathing
      * WRB
      * Foam (hopefully I can find grooved)
      * Paper
      * Lath


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