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菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)|发布绿色建筑技术

Cor-A-Vent产品长3英寸x 48英寸。我需要整个3英寸,还是可以将它们撕成一半以1.5英寸的排气条?


Any feedback welcome from anyone who has worked with these before. Thanks!

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  1. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#1


  2. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#2


  3. Expert Member
    Michael Maines||#3

    菲尔,I don't have a lot of experience cutting them down but I've done it once or twice. I think they will tend to sag, and may roll. Watch out for staples when you're ripping them. If you want to save money, you might find it less expensive to use metal window screening instead--cut it into 6" strips and wrap it around the bottom of the strapping.

    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#4

      Builders here moved away from using screen at the bottom of the cavity because it was too susceptible to mechanical damage - especially weeds or grass growing through it - and once torn can't be replaced.


      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines||#5

        Malcolm, you've mentioned that before--good point, and it looks like a good product.

        1. Expert Member
          Malcolm Taylor||#6

          Here in Coastal BC the lumberyards carry standard 1/2" and 3/4" profiles. They will also bend up wider ones to cover both exterior foam and the furring. Because the furring sits in the flashing it also makes installation easier.

    2. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#7

      Michael, I was thinking that the Cor-A-Vent would be nailed in place through the 1.5" Rockwool, so not much sagging. Maybe I'm missing something on how to install it?

      1. Expert Member
        Michael Maines||#10

        菲尔,that should work. You might find that you want to pre-drill the Cor-A-Vent to reduce bouncing when hand-nailing. Framing gun nails would compress the insulation too much.

  4. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#8

    I was looking at the perforated J-channel as well. One worry I have is flying termites; the Cor-A-Vent looks like it would prevent access, but the J-Channel would allow it. But I like how the j-channel could cover both the furring strips and the Rockwool.
    How would I integrate that with a Stucco weep screed?

    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#11


      If you are worried about the size of the holes letting in pests you can get the same profile bent from perforated aluminum soffit material. If they can get through those holes, they can get into your roof too. We have flying termites here in the fall. I'e never seen one get through the J flashing, although sugar ants have no problem.

  5. Andy CD Zone 5 - NW Ohio||#9

    我有冲动将Coravent Rip Coravent成一半 - 在搜索互联网购买更便宜的产品后,我刚刚为我的项目买了一些。[但是,等等...您不是留下一半,不包括模糊的昆虫屏障吗?]

    This product (the 3/4" thick version) cost me $85 for 60 linear feet, and a 60 mile roundtrip to pick it up at the dealer because it's not available online. But I simply couldn't work out an alternative that would be durable, easy to integrate, and actually work--the Coravent checks all those boxes. They're probably exercising well-deserved patent rights, but surely some other importer of plastic do-dads could come up with a competitive system?

  6. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#12


  7. Brian Pontolilo||#13


    1. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#14


      That might work fine. Two things I wonder about though.



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