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Crawl space insulation options

House is 1-story 1200 square feet, CA climate zone 3, zip code 95062, about 1/2 mile from the ocean. Existing ventilated (passive vents) crawl space has 18″ clearance, 48″ OC 4x floor joists under sub-floor, perimeter foundation and piers along joists. Clay soil is damp, but downspout diversion and french drain in back yard keep the space from having standing water. House is heated by hydronic radiant heat system, on top of subfloor in 1/2″ sleepers.

Looking to for recommendations on how to retrofit the crawl space. Goal is higher IAQ in the house, so minimize infiltration and delta T between house air and crawl space. Air sealing between house and crawl space is a must, but I’m not sure about the other steps. I don’t want to make anything worse (such as block air from the crawl space to house but make it easier for mold to grow).

Option 1 is to leave the crawl space passively vented, and to spray closed cell foam to the underside of my subfloor (2″ thick, as recommended by spray foam contractor).


Any feedback appreciated, thanks!

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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    Option 2 is the standard advice for those who care about energy efficiency and home performance. If you install a small exhaust fan in your crawl space, along with a floor grille to allow conditioned air from the house to enter the crawl space as makeup air, you won't get any crawl space odors or moisture in your house.

    所有细节都在本文中解释:Building an Unvented Crawl Space.

    All of that said, Option 1 would work in your climate. Note that most green builders try to minimize the use of closed-cell spray foam because of the global warming impact of the material's blowing agents. If you decide on Option 1, a better approach (from an environmental perspective) would be to install a continuous layer of foil-faced polyiso on the underside of the floor joists, with all penetrations and seams carefully sealed to make the layer airtight.

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2



  3. 菲尔·布特尔(Phil Boutelle)||#3

    Thank you both for your responses.

    Martin, I am hesitant to install a register between the house and the crawl space for makeup air. We have existing radiant heat installed, so finding a location for this new penetration would be difficult. We also have no air conditioning or forced air at all, so is our indoor air actually considered conditioned enough to work as the makeup air to the crawl space?


    Dana, I will ask about insulating the foundation walls instead. If I go with spray foam under the floor, would I need to paint as noted for fire? Also, we have no appliances in crawl space. Not planning a rat-slab.

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