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Nathan Bean|发布了General Questions

We are in the middle of a deep energy retrofit, and Wednesday before last we had a massive storm roll through. I had a section of west-facing wall that was stripped to the board sheathing that was pummeled by horizontal rain. The wall cavity is filled existing cellulose insulation, probably from the 70’s. When poking a finger into one of the installation holes or gaps between boards, it still feels damp to the touch.

We are wrapping the walls in a self-adhered vapor-permeable air barrier (Grace Vycor En-VS), followed by foil-faced polyiso foam. The interior walls are 100-year-old lath-and-plaster, with an unknown number of coats of paint. My question is:

1) Should we remove the old cellulose and blow in new before wrapping the sheathing, or


3) Is it safe to move forward with the housewrap and foam installation?

We are in Climate Zone 4, and having an unseasonably warm winter (temperature is 60F today). I appreciate any advice seasoned hands can offer.


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  1. Expert Member

    If believe the moisture that got in was from the rain, and not from vapor drive, the first thing I would do is find out how it got in. I'd start by checking all flashing details, and roof/soffit areas, looking for leaks. You don't want anything to get in after you complete your deep energy retrofit. The big downside of sealing things up for energy efficiency is that you greatly reduce the ability for moisture to get OUT of anything, which is why you want to make sure moisture can't get IN in the first place. This is very important before you move forward with your project.



    I'll stress one more time that you absolutely want to find out how it got wet in the first place and fix that before moving forward with your project though. As soon as you close things up with the new materials, any future moisture problems are going to be much more serious.


  2. Nathan Bean||#2

    Bill, thanks for your reply. I know how it got wet - we had the siding off, so only the board sheathing was exposed, and had a record storm (85 mph winds driving rain horizontally) that pushed water into the gaps between the board sheathing. The insulation was dry before the storm, and we are adding flashing details as part of the build-out of the wall.

    The cellulose is damp but not so much you can squeeze moisture out of it. I think I will go ahead and wrap the walls with the peel-and-stick to avoid further intrusion, but leave that exposed (i.e. no foam) for a week or two for further drying.

  3. Wooba Goobaa||#3

    I had a very similar occurrence. Rain pouring through old gapped board sheathing before the WRB was fully installed. But we were still down to studs w/o any insulation or interior walls.

    VYCOR EN-VS的规范外观为15倍率,允许90天曝光。

    I share Zephyr's concerns re: the polyiso acting as a vapor barrier. For my reno, I assumed water will someday find its way into the exterior walls. We allowed for a drying path to the exterior.

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