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Damp spray cellulose in Los Angeles

Jack G.| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

Does anyone have a recommendation for a damp spray cellulose installer in the Los Angeles area?

Also, out of curiousity what is the going rate in your neck of the woods for damp spray cellulose (2×6 wall)?

Thanks in advance

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  1. Claire L.||#1

    I'm currently looking for damp spray cellulose installers in the LA area as well. It seems that people don't do that here...Anyone has any recommendations? Or know any reason why we perhaps should not do that in LA?

  2. Jack G.||#2

    I couldn't find anyone in the Los Angeles area that do damp spray for walls. Believe it or not I had companies telling me they would cut holes in the drywall for each bay and spray in regular cellulose (this was a new construction project of an almost 6k sq ft house). They all told me that damp spray cellulose was bad.

    I finally found a company based out of San Diego called USI. I dealt with a guy named Danny O'Connell. He was awesome. Their prices were very fair, their work was top notch, employees were professional. All in all I was very pleased with the service. I thought the prices would be way too much since they had to drive up from San Diego, but even still their prices were cheaper than all local quotes. I could only compare the attic insulation quotes (cellulose).

    We landed up doing a hybrid on the walls where they did a flash of spray foam to all exterior walls, then damp spray cellulose over that. My walls were 2x6. They also air sealed all the piping and wiring that went through the top or bottom plates and all windows. This house is in one of the hottest locations of L.A. I am happy with the results.

    I have no idea if the company is still around or if Danny still works for them. My project was done in Mid 2013.

    [email protected]


  3. Claire L.||#3

    Thank you Jack. Greatly appreciate your reply.

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