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Drainable building wraps, detailing as air barrier

Wooba Goobaa| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Wondering if taping the seams inhibits the drainage abilities. Anyone have direct experience with this issue? Hydrogap, Tamlyn, Commercial D, etc. Thanks

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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hi Wooba Goobaa.

    Unlike some other manufacturers, I know that the folks at Benjamin Obdyke prefer that you lap but don't tape the seams of their WRBs. They see a reverse lap and a weakness when tape is used. And I think most high-performance builders agree that if you are using a mechanically-fastened WRB, a better approach to air sealing is to detail the structural sheathing as the air barrier with sealants and tape.

  2. Wooba Goobaa||#2

    Thanks Brian. Yes I noticed BO not taping seams in their HydroGap training materials, which makes me wonder about detailing for air barrier. I will ask BO.

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