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石膏板:传统,绿板,densarmor Plus,Aqua Tough

Jamie_K|Posted in一般的问题on

我们将在周三获得Sheetrock天花板盖。并隔热,因此我们可以开始干燥墙壁 - 我们所有的热量似乎都在通风拱形/山脊通风口上升。We had been thinking of spending just a little more and doing greenboard throughout to do a step above drywall as they claim but then realized I really don’t know if greenboard, DensArmor, Aqua Tough is really any better than traditional sheetrock/drywall for mold. We have not ordered it quite yet. I did not know if green board meant they add something (like fungicide or biocide, which I am not sure is healthy) to tout more water resistant or why the claims that it could be better. Then, we had thought we might try DensArmor paperless fiberglass in bathroom but then our sheet rocker says he prefers Aqua Tough (which looks like cellulose and I am not sure cellulose is a better option). Okay, what do I know:) …hoping you all can help us out We are climate zone 5/6 if that is important – N Idaho / Eastern Washington. 1) For all walls/ceiling (except bathroom): USG Mold Tough (aka their version of green board) or just stick with regular USG drywall? 2) For bathroom only: GP DensArmor Plus or USG’s Aqua Tough or just stick with regular USG drywall? (We will put Wedi board water proof system behind tile shower.)

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  1. 专家成员

    Greenboard has only one face that is mold resistant, it’s not the entire sheet that is different from regular drywall. I use green board in skylight wells as a little extra protection against problems caused by condensation, But I wouldn’t trust it as serious mold proofing if you have substantial moisture issues.

    It sounds like you need to do some extensive air sealing. If your ceiling is open, you probably have access to things like top plates. Make sure to air seal everything while you have access!


    1. Jamie_K||#2

      我了解这一点,比尔 - 但是,绿色板上的“面对面”是什么独特的,以使其能够要求防水呢?

      例如,所有绿色板(例如USGS模型)是否包含杀菌剂/杀菌剂 - 是否添加/与众不同,以使其具有绿色板和防水性?

      Thanks, Bill!

      1. 专家成员
        BILL WICHERS||#8


        To add to the comment about using 5/8” drywall, it also helps with sound and preventing any sagging in the ceiling between joists. I built the ceilings in my own house this way for exactly that reason.


    2. Jamie_K||#3


      I did a real good job on slab on grade foundation and walls air sealing wise but couldn’t figure out air sealing ceiling well enough to explain to my husband unfortunately.

      1. 专家成员
        BILL WICHERS||#7



  2. walta100||#4

    I do not think you need or want green board for your main ceiling, in your bathrooms Ok. Green board is less likely to disintegrate should it get wet ones or twice. The best way to avoid mold is to keep your house dry. Given enough moisture mold will find something somewhere to live.


  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#5

    I agree with Walter. If you care about mold prevention, there are several things you can do, but specifying special drywall isn't one of them. The keys to a mold-free house are (a) making sure that your interior relative humidity stays in a reasonable range, (b) never installing or using a humidifier, (c) using bathroom exhaust fans when taking a shower or bath, and (d) maintaining good housekeeping practices.

  4. 专家成员
    Akos Toth||#6

    我在底部安装Densglass基地的一部分ment wall where there were previous water problems. The water problems were fixed, my thinking was in case there is a very big rain storm storm and some water makes it past the waterproofing, the drywall won't come apart and the wall can be dried out. For areas that should not never see water, doubt it adds any benefit.

    Extra drywall money is probably best spent on 5/8 drywall and some insulation between the bedroom/bedroom and bedroom/bathroom partitions.

  5. AlexPoi||#9




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