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Envirocast Pre-Cast Wall System

raf17| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


My builder is proposing to use Envirocast (
for basement walls (half below and half above grade)
Is it a good choice in terms of moisture management, durability and any VOC that may come from EPS (expanded polystyrene blocks) used for insulation?
– Would you recommend still using exterior waterproofing below grade
– Would you recommend additional interior insulation to prevent any condensation on concrete
– Do you know anything about EPS VOC characteristics and if fire retardants are used in it

Thank you,

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  1. GBA Editor
    Kiley Jacques||#1

    Regarding your question about VOCs and fire retardants in EPS foam:
    Researchers Raise Questions About Rigid Foam Flame Retardant

  2. raf17||#2

    Thank you Kiley!
    I read the article and wonder what it means in practice. When it is behind couple of inches of concrete in this precast foundation panel and not getting any UV and moderate amount of heat through the concrete (and exterior stone veneer over it) when it is hit with sun will it degrade much ...

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