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EPS foam for loadbearing applications “Geofoam”

John Ranson| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

I found a bit of info today that I thought I ought to share. There is actually a standard for EPS used in structural applications (like under a footer). The standard I usually see is ASTM C578, which specs “Type I”, “Type II”, etc. There’s a second standard, ASTM D6817, which gives a requirement for compressive resistance at 1% deformation, the maximum safe pressure for long term loads.

I found one manufacturer’s nice little cross reference between the standards at

This document gives some background for why 1% is the safe compression:

I would always consult an engineer before designing in structural foam, but I think this is useful knowledge for exploring new designs. It’s at least a better starting point than the not-very-useful 10% deformation pressures that have been thrown around.


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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1

    Thanks. That's very useful.

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