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Jayson Berger| Posted in一般的问题on

我需要一个理智check on the proper application of exterior rigid foam with a complex Mansard style roof.



The architecture includes a large Cupola in the center, 2 large barrel shaped dormers that taper up the roof and an eyebrow section over the front door with a complex, convex shape.

The interior is a vaulted ceiling with exposed structural trusses and a tight drywall ceiling. (see photo)
I am assuming that there is some airspace between the current insulation and the roof deck, per common practice and gravity since it’s 32 years old.


The discussions start with “the roof needs to breath” then I point out the current roof is unvented.

I’m using the detail image found in the detail library (attached) to try and relay the concepts.

Is this detail suitable for adapting to a Mansard roof?
I can’t think of any reason why it would not apply.




Finally, I know I’ll be replacing some of the roof decking based on the condition of the shingles. I assume since we are using exterior foam, I can just add insulation to the exposed cavities and not worry about any air channel below the structural sheathing given the exterior foam.

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1

    You're in a tough situation due to the curves on this roof. Adding rigid foam above this roof is a challenge. It would involve the use of multiple layers of thin rigid foam (perhaps 1/2-inch foam) in the curved sections, or judicious use of spray foam in the curved sections, along with custom-made framing members above the roof sheathing to handle the spray foam.

    It might be doable, but it's a challenging job, both in terms of craftsmanship and aesthetics. It would also be very expensive.

    我认为您应该使用常规的屋顶方法(没有任何外部绝缘材料)更换屋顶,然后撕下干墙天花板。在内部使用闭孔喷雾泡沫(换句话说) - 换句话说,是闪光和棒状的方法 - 然后是新的干墙。

    有关更多信息,请参阅"Flash-and-Batt Insulation."

  2. Jayson Berger||# 2

    Thanks for the input Martin, I appreciate it.

    I'm trying to avoid tearing out the sheet rock due to the complexity of the interior finishes. The sheetrock guys really do not want to replicate the interior barrels and they won't even quote it out, just T&M.




  3. Trevor Chadwick||# 3

    can you remove the roof sheathing, and existing insulation, and fill with spray foam? seems like it would be cheaper than removing the drywall

  4. 专家成员
    Dana多赛特||# 4

    The location/climate zone of this place is... ??


    With more environmentally friendly HFO blown closed cell foam it'll run about R7/inch, and code compliance can be made on a U-factor basis rather than R value, to keep the added thickness to reasonable levels. With the pre-existing enclosed cavities & fluff and the extra air films & R value of the vented nailer it probably won't take more than 4" to get there with HFO blown 2lb foam even in colder climates. At the 3" closed cell foam itself is structural, and is it's own weather resistant barrier- no need for peel & stick membranes. (The nailer deck still needs #30 felt under the shingles.)

    每平方英尺的深度为$ 125-1.50,这并不便宜,但又一次又不是1/4英寸刚性泡沫的十二层。

  5. Jayson Berger||#5



    He says that there is no way to add the rigid foam without a ton of flashing due to the changes in thickness. There is just no way to make it look right with the dormers and eyebrow. So we are back to adding insulation where possible under the decking.



    I was planning to use Rockwool on top of the current fiberglass for areas where the decking is completely replaced or should I just save that extra expense and add more fiberglass?



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