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Framing a Floor with Old Brick Footing

gzmoore.|Posted in一般的问题on


我有一个独立的两个故事的车厢,我正在转变为宾馆。为了让生活空间超过7英尺(并且在没有切割所有东西的情况下允许管道),我需要直接在内部板块上框架(+或 - 几英寸)。


These are the facts I’m working with:


The first picture shows the outside footing, the second and third show the interior. One picture demonstrates the varying heights of brick. I’ve outlined the brick in red to help show the layout, sorry if that hurts more than helps. The blue line is cement I poured.

Climate zone is 7b, if that helps any.

The second and third photo show the interior side of one wall. There are two rows of brick sticking out as footing onto the slab. It’s not fully sealed (know what to do there, just mentioning for variables) as there are missing bricks and huge gaps/cracks in the mortar. If I had to guess, I’d say someone in the last ‘X’ years tried their own way to fix a leak. Everything else looks to have been done with care, but this footing is nutty.



Do I set up a plate along the brick footing (which would place it 4+inches away from the wall) and have the joists treat the footing as the joist header? I could use joist hangers, I suppose?





***More edits: replace all my mentions of ‘header’ with ‘rim joist’.

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  1. DCContrarian||#1

    我认为你架,但我们需要更多details. The floor can rest on the slab. I'm thinking joists resting on the slab, shimmed every 16-24" inches if needed. Those joists have only a 16" span so you can cut them to almost nothing to get around obstructions or plumbing. If you have interior walls they are only holding themselves up so they can be notched severely as well.


    1. gzmoore.||#2


      So when you suggest to frame around it, what do you mean exactly? Like, have the header on the slab next to the protruding brick, or kinda atop it and cut the joists to lay across?


      1. DCContrarian||#3

        You don't need headers because the joists are resting on the floor. You just need something to keep them from falling over -- blocking in the middle and rim joists on the end. At the end where the brick protrudes notch the joists and use a smaller rim joist.

  2. gzmoore.||#4



    To answer your earlier questions:


    这堵墙将被留下为暴露的砖(Shoutout to Insofst,允许发生这种情况!非常重要,强烈建议您是否有Rescheck问题则检查它们)。另外两个墙壁,一个与完成相反。

    I'll likely insulate under and over the bathroom, but not worried about anywhere else in the floor area.



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