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Furring strip behind drip edge question

Tommy87| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Hi guys I am going to put 1″ furring strips behind my drip edge, to keep it off the fascia. Can I run a continuous strip along the eave or should I space out strips for any (air flow)reason?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Either way can work. The most important detail is to avoid damaging the lip at the bottom of the drip edge flashing -- the small bend that provides the kick-out. You want the drips to be away from the fascia or any shims.

    You might want to run the shim through your table saw, to ensure that it is narrow enough to be entirely invisible and unable to receive any dribbles from the drip edge flashing.

  2. Tommy87||#2

    Thanks Martin. I'll do it continuous then. I wasn't sure if leaving gaps would help drying of the shim from any condensation from drip edge.

    My shim/furring strip is 1" down and drip edge goes 2" down before the lip

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