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Garage venting

Kammerer1975| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I have a 10″ vent attached to a 700 cfm ventilation motor pushing air outside from my garage thru a 8″ exhaust line. My question is, do I need a way for air to come into the garage? Does it need to be forced in, and how big does the vent need to be that the air is coming from outside into the garage?

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  1. Expert Member
    Peter Engle||#1

    If you want air to move out through the vent, it's got to come in somewhere else. A fan in a sealed box does nothing. So, yes, you need some way for air to come into the garage. If the doors don't seal very well, you might get that much air coming in around the gaskets. If you want something more reliable, you need at least as big a hole for the inlet as you've got for the outlet. If the inlet is not powered by a fan, you might want a bigger vent for the inlet. If the garage is heated and the fan is only run intermittently when you're working in there, you probably want dampers on both vents to keep the conditioned air inside when the fans aren't running.

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