我正在为我的家庭建造一座新房子做地基工作。在垫下,我放了3.5″层回收XPS。然后我想我应该在上面放点东西让接缝重合。所以木材场有XPS的。5″的4X8张,这不是很多的r值,但我主要想在更厚的回收XPS的接缝上有一些东西。我知道EPS对环境更好,但他们没有。不管怎样,我花了很多时间,确保连接处很紧,所有东西都摆放得很好,没有任何缝隙。我没有把它粘起来,因为我认为它是在聚乙烯和混凝土下面,它不应该移动太多,我没有密封任何东西。幸运的是,没有风,泡沫在那里停留了大约5个晴天,然后在上面涂了一层聚脂。我注意到泡沫缩小了,或者是脚变大了,但我不这么认为。到处都是裂缝。 I know Joe Lstiburek has mentioned this before but I had no idea it would happen that fast. Has anyone studied this? I plan on applying two layers of 1.5″ XPS to achieve 3″ on the exterior of my new home. Would laying out the layers shrink the foam ahead of time? That would be a pain in the butt. I would think the thicker sheets would probably take longer to shrink. Also what is the relationship causing the shrinking. Temperature? Does the sun have anything to do with it? Other than staggering and taping seams is there anything I can do to prevent or minimize these gaps from occurring over the long run? Some other things worth noting is the pile of new .5″ XPS sat in a stack outside for about 2 weeks before it was laid out, I have no idea how long it was at the lumberyard. Also worth noting is the 3.5″ reclaimed XPS was out for a few days in the sun and did not shrink at all. I imagine is has already shrunk. On a last note the reclaimed board is of the blue brand and the shrinking .5′ XPS was of a green brand. Thanks for any input.