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Heat pump dryer issue, full sized Whirlpool WHD560CHW0

matt9923|Posted in一般的问题

As part of a deep energy retrofit I did to my home. I installed a heat pump dryer to simplify a vent and make up air system.

it works great and we are very happy with how it dries clothes. Its averaging about a hour and 20 to dry a load. Thats better then expected.

我的问题是有两个线头过滤器screens that I can clean every time on top of vacuuming it out often. After the second lint screen there are two metal mesh screens and the second one has begun to build up lint. Does anyone know a way to remove these to clean them. Whirlpool and the tech who cane out was no help. I may have to cut the screens out and make removable ones that can be cleaned.

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  1. Trevor Lambert||#1



    1. matt9923||#2


      1. Trevor Lambert||#3

        I can't see it in the picture, but I guess it's a revision. My model is a slightly different number. It's sad that they revised the design, but failed to fix the crux of the problem. Let us know if your vacuuming is successful.

  2. 埃里克·惠策(Eric Whetzel)||#4

    I have the same issue with my Whirlpool HP dryer (my model is WED7990FW0).

    It was a little over a year after using the dryer before I noticed some build-up on the fins of the coil behind the last filter screen. After spraying a little water on the lint, I straightened out a paper clip, pushing it through the screen to reach the lint on the fins, gently pulling on the lint to get it to fall off. With the lint being wet, it was easier to get larger chunks to fall off at once. Definitely time consuming and delicate work to avoid damaging the fins.

    Since then I religiously vacuum out all three filters after each use of the dryer, and so far I've been able to capture all the lint before it gets beyond the last filter. Not an ideal situation, but since I store our vacuum in the utility room with our washer and dryer, not the end of the world either.

    The dryer works really well, so we've been very happy with it so far. Hopefully this issue gets resolved when these units get updated in the future. Having this last screen be removable would seem to be the easiest solution, but I'm guessing the Whirlpool engineers were reluctant to let homeowners have such easy access to the easily damaged fins.

  3. Jamie B||#5



    From a functional standpoint it's very practical for me to have it in one machine and it does both functions. But the big drawback is how people say it takes 4+ hours to do a load.





    1. Joshua Van Tol||#10

      The combined wash/dry units are a different animal. They do take hours to run, and are condensing dryers, but they are not heat pump condensing dryers, hence they are a lot less efficient.

  4. Walter Ahlgrim||#6

    I see no reason not to blast that screen with compressed air or the blower from a shop vac. You will move the lint hopefully to the filter if not it may land someplace where it will not restrict the airflow.

    My guess is if you’re going to use a heat pump dryer a lot over for more than a few years even with exceptional filter cleaning. Disassembly and cleaning will become part of you skill set.

    2 Instead of a pressure washer I would use compressed air or a leaf blower wearing a dust mask followed by a garden hose.


  5. matt9923||#7

    I have my units stacked so i had to buy the washer that worked with the dryer. When the service guy was out he told me to stuff the washer as long as you could push your hand through to the back without to much effort. I was skeptical about that. We have been doing that since, it takes two baskets to fill it. The clothes are just as clean and it balances itself better so you can use the highest spin setting. This make a big difference for drying times. Even this two basket load was around 1.5 hours to dry.

    沃尔塔, if i blow it inward it will be going directly i to the heat exchanger, exactly where you don't want it. My picture doesn't really show the setup that well, i wish it was that easy. I think you nailed it tho, maybe yearly or every other the unit is going to have to be Dissembled and cleaned. Sucks for me the stacked in a closet in a drain pan. And those dryers are heavy! Its just a shame the normal consumer is not going to be able to do this and there dry times will keep increasing until its useless.
    They make a coil washing machine with spray gun that i may invest in since I have so many heat pump appliances now. Were heating the whole house on a 12k btu lg mini split (zone 6) and hot water is a 50 gallon heat pump water heater that i have in heat pump only mode since I installed it in August.

  6. Walter Ahlgrim||#8

    When I look at that screen it seems any lint is on the back of the screen and being pushed toward the screen with the coil in the background, it is hard to tell from the photo. It seem they choose to filter the air coming out of the coil with an unclean able screen in front of the filter, does not seem like a good plan to me.

    I say the lint on the screen is in a bad place for air flow if you move it around, it will be blown back toward the same screen this time it may get thru the screen and get caught in the filter.




  7. matt9923||#9

    In the drum is a regular style lint filter, the air flows down and to the right from there where it goes through the second cleanable lint filter. After the second filter it goes through two screens towards the coil. Looking at the picture the air/lint goes forward into the coil not the filter.

    Heres the coil cleaning deal.

    Also if you can find that study i am interested in reading it.

  8. matt9923||#11

    Checkin in to see if anyone cane up with any better solutions. We have been vacuuming the screen more often. I have not poked a hole in the outer screen because i think it will cause more harm. Im trying to come up with a way to make a hole and then cover it with some kind of screen.

  9. maelstrom07||#12

    I have model WED99HED0.
    不知道这是否有帮助。但是昨天,我注意到在“ Eco”模式(又名,没有电线)上干燥时,鼓根本没有变热。因此,我完全拆开了干衣机。我注意到覆盖所有东西的字面覆盖物。尽我所能。

  10. alexqc||#13


  11. twwva||#14

    燃烧后紧凑vent-less通用干燥机after it went out of warranty, we have liked much better the full size Whirlpool Dryer (WHD560CHW) for the past 6 months. This unit performs well, dries fast on speed mode, and solves the problem of having no option for a vent. We did have a tech come out and fix a horrible rattle on the left side where apparently a coil was vibrating against the metal.

    As for the lint build up behind the permanent filter, this is a problem. The owners manual does warn "Lint should be removed every 2 years, or more often, depending on dryer usage. Cleaning should be done by a qualified appliance servicer." So far I have not found a tech who understands or is willing to do this, but I may keep looking. Maybe in a few months or so I will become confident enough to follow the video posted in this thread and do it myself; thank you for a video that finally focuses on this model!


    1. Venkat y||#16

      I am facing the same issue with my WED99HEDW0. Since Whirlpool knew this would be an issue to be taken care of every 2 years, they should have engineered the Heat Pump (HP) mechanism in such a way that the whole HP mechanism at the bottom could be simply pulled out over built-in rails and cleaned.

  12. twwva||#15

    After exploring the links in this thread and downloading HybridCare Job Aid W10764068A I gained the confidence to perform a thorough internal cleaning and removal of the build-up from the heat exchanger. The Job Aid contains excellent comprehensive instructions with videos. The section on Removing the Reed Lint Switch outlines which previous steps in the same Job Aid you will need to follow. It took me about 3 hours to carefully remove everything and another 3 to clean and put it all back together. I could probably do it again in half the time.

    笔记that model WHD560CHW is a little newer than the model WED99HEDW0 in the Job Aid. As far as I could tell the only internal difference was the location of the CCU (eliminating one component that needed to be removed).



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