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取代CA CZ16(CZ4B/CZ6B)中衰老燃气炉的加热选择



我有一个15岁的炉子,它没有得到很好的照顾,并且在最后的腿上即将出现。House是1650平方英尺,有1.5层,带有大教堂天花板,建于73年,空气密封不好:在我们的最后一次鼓风机门测试中,0.6 ACH。正在完成工作以希望将其降低到〜0.4,但我们有一个T&G屋顶,有一些自然的限制。

I’m not overly worried about summer: the cathedral ceilings have skylights and a large fan mounted under them which do a great job at keeping the place cool. Winter on the other hand gets cold. We’re in CZ16 so nothing crazy but we did hit 0 a couple of times this year.

我只是用另一个高效率的燃气炉代替它,因为管道已经到位,但这是摩擦:炉子位于爬行空间中,它是_Extremely _ terger。从土壤到托梁底部的24英寸。它目前安装在一个水底泵旁边,在以前的所有者任职期间,其管道已经失败了几次,淹没了鼓风机的腔(因此更换了15年。希望解决这个问题,但是空间非常非常紧密。


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  1. 史蒂夫Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#1




    Also... That air leakage rate doesn't sound right. A .6 ACH/50 measurement get you into passive house territory. Maybe you mean 6 ACH/50.

    而且...加利福尼亚的气候区域在此网站上没有太多使用。您能查找您的IECC位置吗( and edit your post?

  2. JoshAt||#2

    I would love to encapsulate the crawl space but it's so tight everyone has told me that it can't be done and the one company that said it could quoted me $22k, so I'm taking that as a "it probably can't be done right". The existing furnace spent it's life in this ventilated crawlspace that previously did not even have a vapor barrier, with it's air intake pointed down at the air. Optimally any solution I come up with wouldn't involve that crawl space as maintenance down there is a real pain and significantly increases costs. I'll do it if I have to -- and I might with 200" of snow in December alone -- but I'd like to try to avoid it!




    Hah.. I said CZ16 because I always struggle to find it on the IECC maps. I live in Lake Tahoe which is probably CZ4 on that map but I live on the edges, so between CZ4B/CZ6B on the map.

    - 更换炉子
    - 安装迷你切片,卸下管道(&也许将爬网空间封装在没有管道的所有额外工作空间中)
    - Replace the furnace with an outdoor heat pump/AC and connect up the ducting.

  3. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#3

    Where is the duct work, under the house, insulated? How do you make your hot water? Where is the heater. Is there an attic, attic insulation?

  4. JoshAt||#4

    Duct work is fiberglass insulated flex duct that runs in the crawlspace, hanging from the floor joists (not resting on the ground). Second floor ducting comes up via some chases in closets. Hot water heater is a gas tankless hot water heater mounted to an exterior wall in the corner of the laundry on the first floor (inside).


  5. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#5


    Direct vented gas heaters. In wall furnace, floor furnace, or stand alone heater.

    Both ideas gets almost everything out of the crawl space. This will make it easier when you decide to do something to insulate under the floor.

  6. 史蒂夫Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#6



  7. JoshAt||#7

    Thanks Jonathan, lots to think about.

    史蒂夫, absolutely, that's my next step. I just like to try to be informed a little before I hire someone else so I can make best use of their time!

  8. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#8


  9. JoshAt||#9

    Close! Former vacation home that is now just home... turns out being in the woods really appealed to us :)

    Yes, I'm trying to long term plan and that's why getting everything out of the crawlspace (in spite of the higher cost and effort) seems worthwhile to me.

    I think I'm going to get a local engineering companies input (they've done some title 24 work for me in the past) and then find some local Mitsubishi experts to see what a dual zone mini-split would look like for me. The appeal of moving the mechanical, perhaps side mounted for snow, outside and freeing up all of the ducting is pretty compelling. Ground coverage here is a no-go: the TRPA prohibit any expanded ground coverage for water management purposes.



  10. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#10


  11. Walter Ahlgrim||#11



    Get yourself a short shove and 20 5 gallon buckets and get to work.


  12. 乔纳森·布莱尼(Jonathan Blaney)||#12

    How about excavating a portion of the crawlspace for a conditioned boiler room. They do something like that for coastal homes which are up on tall posts.

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