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Help me modernize my 1980 passive solar home

Brendan Swihart|Posted inGeneral Questionson

We moved into this home last summer and I’d love to hear some ideas about how I can bring it more in line with current best practices and science. I’m located in western CO, zone 5. High desert climate.

The sunroom and surrounding design is what I’m most curious about. It’s great on winter afternoons but then bleeds heat at night and builds up heat in the summer. The sunroom is open to the crawl space through decking on the floor and to the attic through slats at the the roofline. The attic is unvented but there are operable vents that open for the summer with a garage door opener which allows hot sunroom air to vent and pull cooler air from the crawl space.

Heating and cooling is an area I’m wondering if I can improve on:
-Cooling is via an evaporative cooler, which is very common in the area. It works well and is efficient if a little heavy-handed and loud. When it is running a lot it also greatly increases inside humidity, which can be problematic with the swing to our very dry winters.
- 除了日光浴室之外,电动踢脚板加热器除外,该加热器的运行昂贵,并且在去年冬天很难控制。我研究了智能恒温器,但没有正确的电线配置。我目前正在将车库的一部分改建为媒体室/办公室,并将使用迷你拆分,并想知道另一个或两个单位是否适用于房屋的其余部分(想想卧室的楼上一个短管道和一个单位楼下?)

Other details
-Insulation is 2×6 batts
-windows are probably 20 years old…I replaced trim on one and was shocked that insulation wasn’t replaced around the window and fear others are the same
-crawl space walls have 2” eps but much of it has fallen down or was removed for some reason for some kind of work done in the crawl space. No insulation in the floor joists.
- 我还想知道是否应该密封车库和房屋之间的双层墙。似乎我只是在冬天用冷爬行空间的空气围绕着房屋。
-I assume sealing lights etc in the attic would be low hanging fruit. When I blow in insulation for my garage attic I could also add more in the main attic.

It’s an awesome house and I think thoughtfully designed but much of it just seems overly complicated compared to just making everything tight and well insulated.

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  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1

    Interesting! Yes, the general thinking is that these designs are overcomplicated compared to jsut doing good insulation. But I think your climate is one where they can work better than in many climates, so it could be that you can preserve much of the original intent and get great performance.

    Indirect evaporative coolers are a great option for climates that are dry enough for evaporative coolers to work--you can get about the same cooling but without the humidity produced indoors. Unfortunatley, I don't know of anyone still making them for residential sue. You might be able to rig one up with your own heat exchanger added to the evaporative cooler you have (or a new smaller, quieter one). Or you could use the new minisplits that you add for winter heating.

    1. Brendan Swihart||#3

      谢谢,我没有听说过间接蒸发首席运营官ling. Overall the cooling is pretty effective. The annoying part is the few weeks where it's 100+ and we have to keep it on at night and it is constantly cycling on and off.


  2. Expert Member
    Peter Engle||#2



    1. Brendan Swihart||#4

      Thanks, this is very helpful. I knew that there had to be some convective loop in the design but didn't know the exact terminology so never found the exact design. I found a couple diagrams that are the exact design.

      One thing I definitely agree with when reading through some critiques of the design is regarding the crawl space actually retaining heat. Last winter I was down there a few times and it was very cold...
      ...Which makes me wonder if some insulation in the flooring/crawl space might be a safe thing to tackle.


  3. Tom May||#5

    As far as the crawlspace, what type of floor does it have...concrete, dirt? Since the crawlspace acts as a big duct, insulating the surface area of the interior may help to keep it warmer. Or you can add a vent opening and damper above the crawlspace in the living area to drive the return air into the house rather than into the crawlspace when more heat is needed inside, rather than heating up the crawlspace. Once insulated it should prevent colder air from infiltrating the floor above.

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