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HFO spray foam issues

Alex P| Posted inGeneral Questionson

Has anyone heard of issues with keeping HFO spray foams hot enough to spray correctly? I was interested to hear from a reputable contractor who has tried a few brands of HFO foams and found them inconsistent compared with HFC foams for the above reasons.

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  1. Bryan Coplin||#1

    I'll reply to give your post a bump.

    I have not heard of the issues your contractor describes; perhaps others have. Most of what I have heard is that HFO foam is easier to work with, in part because higher lifts are possible.

    Did the contractor mention the brands?

    Good reputations take a long time to develop. Many people are reluctant to use newer products or learn a new skillset if they know they can do a quality job the way they have always done things.

  2. Matt F||#2

    Everything I have heard is that the HFO foams are easier to work with. I don't spray myself, so everything I know is second hand. The only thing I have seen is a note in one vendors spray guide to run the B side 10-15deg warmer than the A side to get similar viscosities. That may not be true for all products. Any good spray foam outfit should have a good working relationship with the manufacture reps to work through any such problems. I would be suspicious of anyone who wasn't able to solve such an issue.

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