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High efficiency furnaces


除了正确的程序er argument I can give my sister in Missoula, MT to spend twice as much to go from an 85% efficient furnace to 95%? Unfortunately she should have replaced the furnace over the summer when it was probably cheaper.

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  1. jtruog||#1

    It is easy: With an 85% efficient furnace, with every $1 she spends on heat she is getting $0.85 in heat and throwing $0.15 out the chimney. With a 95% furnace she will be getting $0.95 worth of heat with only $0.05 going up the chimney. Any good HVAC guy will demonstrate her payback.

  2. homedesign||#2

    Not so Easy
    Money might be better spent on Envelope improvements

  3. homedesign||#3

    Er .. Excuse me Dr Joe

  4. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#4


    如果她现在每年花费900美元的高效炉子上的热量,那么效率95%的炉子将意味着她花费804美元的热量 - 每年节省96美元。

    How much do these two furnaces cost? If the cheap furnace is $5,000, and the expensive furnace is $10,000, then it will take her 52 years to justify the investment, assuming that energy prices don't change.



  5. Ernest G. Mueller||#5

    没有说我们在谈论什么样的加热。它是热空气系统还是底板加热?还有什么燃料?现有锅炉的年龄是多少?我刚刚修改了一个水力加热系统,并安装了Weil - 麦克兰Ultra Series 3高效锅炉。为了提高效率,锅炉必须以冷凝模式运行,以从废气中的水蒸气中回收潜热。这需要锅炉热量和散热器散热能力之间的良好匹配才能在相对较低的水温下运行。幸运的是,现代锅炉可以调节大约20-100%的热量输出,从而使分区更加灵活。我建议这不仅仅是用另一个代替旧锅炉的问题。从工程的角度开始评估整个系统,从建筑物的热量损失计算开始,为热量总负载以及单个区域的容量选择正确的尺寸锅炉。 In conclusion: A “leaky” building should be fixed as a first step and then the heating system should be upgraded after a thorough evaluation. Even if the payback may not be very attractive today, the energy prices will go up for sure in the future. The questions is only how soon and how much.

  6. Riversong||#6


    Assuming the OP understands the meaning of "furnace", then we know it's a hot air system.

  7. Ernest G. Mueller||#7

    To Robert Riversong

  8. i7pbajjngf||#8


    I would suggest she get supplier prices for each furnace and let the installer know she is willing to pay that difference only. They should bite in this economy.


  9. Riversong||#9

    To Robert Riversong

    There was nothing sarcastic about it. It is a straightforward statement of fact.


  10. 用户-659915||#10

    Robert: "Assuming the OP understands the meaning of "furnace", then we know it's a hot air system."

    FWIW, I don't think we know any such thing. "Furnace: an appliance fired by gas, oil, or wood in which air or water is heated to be circulated throughout a building in a heating system." Industry-specific usage aside, I believe this is a generally understood definition.

  11. Riversong||#11

    Industry-specific usage aside, I believe this is a generally understood definition.


    US DOE:
    "Most U.S. homes are heated with either furnaces or boilers. Furnaces heat air and distribute the

  12. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#12

    如果她现在每年花费900美元的高效炉子上的热量,那么效率95%的炉子将意味着她花费804美元的热量 - 每年节省96美元。



  13. 用户-659915||#13

    Robert, the DOE's industry-standard definition is not the issue: my point was that we can make no assumption that this particular question is posted by someone who is aware of it, as there is also a general usage with a broader definition. That said I imagine that there is a very good chance that this is a warmed air system if only because these are more common than not, especially where a/c is also used. But how these guesses contribute to answering Bubba's question I have no idea.

    BTW I have always thought 'boiler' was a misnomer for those systems which employ hot water rather than steam.

  14. Riversong||#14

    BTW I have always thought 'boiler' was a misnomer for those systems which employ hot water rather than steam.

    Of course, the term came into common parlance when heaters and engines ran on steam. After we turned down the aquastats to less than 212°, we kept the common name. Now, rather than using the heat of vaporization in the radiators, we capture it in at the heat exchanger in condensing boilers.

    The lower temperature radiators might have been the result of "boilerplate" legal warnings about the danger of burns. ;-)

  15. 用户-659915||#15


  16. n3dudrlng6||#16




    2. During the allergy season, he uses the low speed blower and high efficient filter to get rid of the pollens and dusts. He is basically using the furnace as a whole house air filtering device without heat.

    I don't know if his points are true or not - just want to share what I heard.

  17. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#17




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