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High Performance Wall Assembly on a Budget

用户-7486582|Posted in一般的问题on


我正在计划在1970年在弗吉尼亚州西南部(CZ 4A)的现代住宅重新铺设和护套的计划。目前,这所房子的16英寸OC有2×4的框架,带有1/2英寸的泡沫板,毛毡纸和雪松壁板作为护套。大多数壁板都是原始的。我认为如果我经历了更换壁板的麻烦,我应该采取下一步添加护套和改善墙壁组件的性能。最初的研究后,我想添加拉链系统护套甚至拉链护套,安装雨屏系统并使用硬皮纤维水泥壁板。但是,我注意到我的确不是用钱赚钱,因此不能做这么昂贵的墙集合。这使我想到了我可以用较小的预算和易于使用的材料来思考自己可以做的事情。这就是我想到的,我很好奇别人会认为这将在我的气候区域中表现。我的目标是创建一个耐用,弹性,节能的组装,以促进更健康的室内离开空间,并需要更少的维护。

- R15牛皮纸面对玻璃纤维绝缘
- 7/16英寸OSB在接缝处胶带
- Tyvek Housewrap WRB在接缝处胶带
- 1英寸R-tech Polyshield EPS刚性泡沫(R4.35)在接缝处胶带
– Ripped 11/32″ plywood fastened as the rainscreen system with Coravent at the bottom and top of the assembly
——LP smartside研磨siding or eastern white pine (stained on both sides)

笔记– the interior is 1/2″ GWB



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  1. 专家成员

    I would use ripped strips of 3/4” plywood for your rainscreen. 11/32” isn’t really thick enough.

    I would try to find some reclaimed polyiso for the exterior rigid foam. 2” reclaimed polyiso is pretty common, and will probably end up costing close to the same as that new EPS you were planning on using, but the thicker polyiso will have far better performance over all seasons.

    Don’t forget a bunch of tubes or polyurethane caulk and canned foam toe air sealing. It’s worth it to get a gun for the canned foam for a project of this size too — the gun quickly pays for itself by letting you start and stop with the cans as needed instead of having to finish an entire can every time.


  2. brian_wiley||#2


    From my limited experience that wall seems like it’ll perform fine. The only questions I suppose I’d have would be if it’d be worth using polyiso instead of eps, and what you’ll do about the window transitions?

    首先,EPS的额定值约为每英寸3.6 R,而Polyiso则为5(IIRC)。在非海洋CZ4中,任何厚度都会做,那么额外的1.4-2 r的额外费用值得吗?我的猜测是不,而成本的两倍(至少根据家庭仓库的价格)并不重要,您最好将这些款项花在其他地方。


    I guess I also wonder if it’s worth taping the tyvek seams beyond where it’s required. If your sheathing is taped, and your foam, it seems a little redundant. I don’t think there’s any harm, but I’m not sure it’s doing anything that those other components of the assembly aren’t already handling well.

    1. 专家成员
      BILL WICHERS||#3

      Polyiso通常的额定值约为R6/英寸,厚度更高(例如,2英寸为R13)。R5/英寸有时用于在极低的温度下“重量” Polyiso。EPS通常约为R4/英寸。

      I’d agree with you about polyiso probably not being worth the price premium over EPS here at new prices, but with reclaimed prices polyiso is a nice upgrade.


  3. 伍德普蒂蒂||#4


    I like your system and I think it will work. I would like to add some tips


    If your house is doing OK structurally, i would probably leave off the osb. (since it would only be adding shear strength. I would remove the siding and and felt paper, then add the 1in EPS (EPS is cheap which is nice). buck out 1in around windows and add a 1in shelf along the bottom for your foam to rest on. then tape your seams.

    this should get you airtight.


    If you're worried about the siding pulling off the house, you can use regular screws.

    going thicker with foam will always save more energy. Its not too hard to find used polyiso down here in in ATL, so you could probably find someone offering that up there. (Used polyIso is going for $15-20 for 2in 4x8 sheets) going thick with your insulation on the outside (even if you find a good deal on polyIso) gets expensive. mainly from having to get it attached to the house.

    if you do 2in of insulation, you'll probably need to go to 3/4in rainscreen strip, (pressure treated decking ripped to 1.5in is good for this) and your fasteners will probably need to be screws, and that gets expensive.


    如果您正在寻找螺钉上的很多交易,那么亚马逊上的Fastenmaster是个好地方。即时通讯使用其#14 6英寸螺钉将雨屏固定在2.75英寸的二手polyiso上。


    Dont worry about taping the seams of Tyvek. I dont think it has an airtightness raiting, for that your have to go the the Tyvek Comercial wrap. (at least last time i checked)

    Best of Luck



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