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Home energy rating label

Minmax Design| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I see the need for home energy rating labels and have seen discussions here and there and figured why not develop one. Here’s an example populated with actual data based on various ideas floating around- modeled off of energy guide and nutrition fact labels. The goal was for quick insight into building performance without getting too far into the weeds.

Just looking for some feedback from this community on whether or not it is useful, informative, detailed enough, misleading, and so on.

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  1. Walter Ahlgrim||#1

    The titles of line 2 and 4 are the same but measure different things change one of the titles.

    Put The HERS score at the top in the center in large print. That one number summarizes every number on the form.

    Short of a law requiring this form the real estate people are never going to collect this data.


  2. Minmax Design||#2

    Lines 1 and 3 and 2 and 4 measure the same thing, just different units. Maybe advisable to combine them and use two columns for each value instead of two rows.

    I have some hesitancy with putting the HERS score at the top because it's a modeled/predicted value and I thought it was better to emphasize the actual, real-world data and performance.

    Definitely share some of your cynicism on this be adopted- maybe a grassroots approach could support some change. Before one of us purchases/rents a place we should ask for utility data describing at least a year of occupancy. No doubt you have to build a critical mass- not too effective if there's multiple interest on a property but only one person is demanding the data- but gotta start somewhere.

    Updated version attached.

  3. Expert Member
    Peter Engle||#3

    The DOE already has a labeling program for homes, called the Home Energy Score. They're working on making it popular now.

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