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William Phillips|Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson

Acoustical sealant was applied to tu-tuff as the vapor barrier for our crawl space.
This was phase one before going to phase two which would be use the supply and return
air sources to ventilate the area. The sealant was only used to adhere the vb to the concrete foundation wall. The sealant is superior becomes it does not dry out; hence, it maintains a seal
for radon remediation as well as a vb.


Meanwhile, five days later, the vapors are still very strong. The laundry area adjoins and my wife reports feeling a loopie if she remains too long.




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  1. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#1

    You raise several issues.



    3. You can use a high quality European tape (like Siga Wigluv, which is available from小星球车间),将聚乙烯密封到您的爬行空间壁上。

    I urge you to read建立一个不经常的爬行空间。The article describes two ways that a sealed, conditioned crawl space can meet code requirements. The method that would make the most sense for your situation would be to install a small exhaust fan in the crawl space (to depressurize it) along with a floor register that allows conditioned air from the upstairs to enter the crawl space, replacing the air that is removed by the exhaust fan.

    It's also possible to leave the crawl space unconditioned, and to avoid any connection between the crawl space and the house above. This approach requires a high degree of air sealing and attention to duct tightness. You also need to monitor the humidity level in the crawl space to be sure it stays under control. In some locations, this approach might not work.

  2. William Phillips||#2

    Thank you for the rapid response and suggestions for ventilation. I am totally on board with trying
    As for an exhaust fan, do you have opinion as to whether or not it should be continuous vs intermittent? The only reason that I can think of for intermittent is that maybe a continuous mode iwould over tax how much air is available to be drawn in from outside. Another detail is how strong of an exhaust fan? Would 50cfm be too little? The area of the crawl space is about 700 sq ft. I'm currently looking at the Panasonic Whisper line of exhaust fans, normally used for a bathroom.

    毒性的声学密封剂,盒状态s in rather strong language that the off gassing is very toxic. (Tremco is the brand.) And, the contractor looked and said that he didn't feel too well even when he came back the second day to do some additional taping. He's a pretty tough dude. I suppose that over an additional time period there might be a crust that forms but I think this stuff stays very gooey.


    I'll call tremco and see what they have to say.

  3. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#3

    Q. "As for an exhaust fan, do you have opinion as to whether or not it should be continuous vs intermittent? ... Another detail is how strong of an exhaust fan? Would 50 cfm be too little? The area of the crawl space is about 700 sq ft."

    A.可以在我敦促您阅读的文章中找到您的问题的答案:建立一个不经常的爬行空间。在该文章中,我写道:“代码列出了两个用于调节未辩护的爬网空间的选项;两种选项都需要安装与楼上的条件空间连接爬网空间的管道或转移格栅。选项1要求'连续操作的机械排气通风每50平方英尺的爬行空间地板区域的速率等于1 CFM。“

    根据该公式,所需的通风率为14 CFM。



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