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How do I insulate a garage with a cathedral ceiling

Hammer|发布General Questions

首先,感谢所有帮助我开始绝缘车库的人。我在2辆车独立车库中隔离墙壁和门的路上很愉快。我正处于需要决定上述要做什么的地步。最初,我的曾祖父建造了一个天花板,形成了一个迷你储物阁楼。多年来,浣熊和松鼠已经找到了一种将其变成公寓的方法,因此我不得不将整个阁楼地板撕开。这真是令人作呕,很可能我必须处理的工作更糟糕。不确定我是否应该重建阁楼地板并将其隔离,因为我可能会遇到同样的问题。我不知道如果墙壁隔离,我是否需要隔离屋顶,我很清楚热量会升高,但计划在冬天最多加热车库一个小时,然后离开。我不想喷射绝缘材料,因为我想DIY。我可以将纤维隔热板放入与OSB靠近,但我对整个通风的事情感到困惑。 I saw one video where a guy attached foam board inbetween joists and then used spray foam for gaps and just left it like that. What is most economical solution, I’m in downstate NY climate zone 5 I believe, pictures attached.

– Joe

GBA Prime


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  1. GBA Editor
    Brian Pontolilo||#1


    I could only speculate about how much or little insulating and air sealing you need to do to be able to make your garage comfortable for an hour a day. And I'm sure how you heat it will be part of the equation too. In any case, an insulated roof can work as both vented or unvented assemblies, but the insulating strategies differ for each. This article will get you on your way to understanding how to insulate the roof:How to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling.

  2. Hammer||#2

    Brian thanks again for your help. Read through the article and the many choices but I think closed cell spray foam is the best and safest choice. I see there are diy spray foam kits, not sure how much I would need and if the cost would get out of hand. If I did use spray foam could I leave it exposed after or would I need to cover it? Other option is insulated fiberglass batt walls and insulated garage doors but the roof left uninsulated would it still help with some heat loss? Willing to leave ceiling exposed if I could make up for it with more intense heating.

    1. 卡森布||#3

      对于大型区域我不确定DIY喷雾泡沫is advisable. There are horror stories of bad spray foam installs that didn’t cure properly and health risks with spraying it, plus the kits cost $1.5 per 1” sqft which may be about the same as hiring a pro. You might consider cut and cobble if going diy route, which is spray foaming the edges of rigid insulation.

  3. Hammer||#4


    1. 卡森布||#5


  4. Expert Member

    Cut and cobble is a waste of time and is a risky assembly as it is impossible to get it air tight.

    Looks like your have a simple gable structure, which means if you need to, you can easily add soffit to ridge vents. Most likely this won't be needed, but if you end up with condensation issues, it is something that can be easily added.

    The budget way of insulating workshops is mineral wool batts that are undersized for the rafters covered by an air control layer. The undersized batts keep a channel above open so you can vent the roof if needed.


  5. Hammer||#7


  6. 汤姆·惠勒||#8

    Is it correct to say that you are trying to avoid animals by doing a cathedral ceiling. A flying squirrel family of 4 I have met would likely laugh at that assumption. just put back a flat ceiling and block the holes for the critters the best you can.

  7. Hammer||#9


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