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GBA编辑器|Posted inBuilding Code Questionson


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  1. Armando Cobo||#1

    Table 602.3.1 of the IRC will also tell you that 24” o.c. does not apply to all walls. Single top plate walls are also for smaller houses, heights, spans and bearings. Angled and circular walls need to be framed with double top plate.
    You really need to understand the limitations and proper application of Advanced Framing before you use this technique or hire an engineer.

  2. riolsong.||#2

    Advanced framing, or what was originally called Optimum Value Engineering, is appropriate for any size of house up to two stories. Bearing surface is not an issue since there is a full-width top plate over the headers and all structural members (studs, joists, rafters) are aligned on the same centers for direct load paths to ground.


    The strength of a beam is determined by its section modulus (BD²/6), so it's proportionate to the breadth (B) and proportionate to the square of the depth (D). In other words, if a certain depth of doubled header is specified, you can replace it with a single header that's 1.4 times as deep (√2). To be safe, make the single header 1.5 times as deep.

    For example, if the code specifies a double 2x6 (5½" deep), you would need a single 1½" x 7-13/16" header. Or go up to the next size and use a single 2x10 (9¼" deep).


  3. Tex.||#3

    That's a newone on me, I guess I need try to explain "rule of thumbs" to inspectors next time!!!.... must be in hickville...

  4. 丹尼凯利||#4

    Structural engineer is your best bet - typically advanced framing/green building programs push for roof trusses in lieu of convention stick framed roofs - a truss roof will typically put more load on the exterior walls since most of the time the interior walls are designed to be non-load bearing - need to be careful and take that into consideration.
    通常,如果您正在经历先进的框架的麻烦,您将从2x4墙上增加到2x6墙壁 - 无论如何,您仍然可以使用双重标题并有空间添加绝缘。另一种选择是将头部放在顶板上方并悬挂在其上的地板托梁/天花板托梁上并消除墙壁上的窗口上方的标题 - 将以这种方式允许更多的绝缘。
    IECC最近接受了单个标题作为替代方案 - 可能在2012年代码中的表格很可能。

  5. riolsong.||#5


    What I offered is the same formula that you can pay an engineer to work out your headers. If you went to your inspector sounding like you knew what you were talking about, then you wouldn't have to explain anything.

  6. Hallie Bowie.||#6


  7. 专家成员

    Most beams are sized for deflection, which is determined using the cubed value of the height, not the squared value. The width of the member times the height cubed gives equivalent bending capacity.

    To change a (2)-2x6 header, with a dimension of 3" x 5.5", to a single header with a base dimension of 1.5" I would say: 3 x (5.5)^3 = 499. 499/1.5 = 333. 333^.333 = 6.9. Round that up to 7.25 and you find a single 2x8 header has the same bending capacity as a double 2x6 header.

    In other words, for any rectangular, uniformly loaded joist or beam, the member's base times the height cubed needs to stay consistent.


  8. riolsong.||#8

    Headers are sized for maximum bending moment, not deflection. The only code limits for deflection are for repetitive members and beams supporting floor, ceiling and roof membranes.

  9. 专家成员

    Robert, most headers DO support floors, ceilings and roofs. They are beams which just happen to be over window and door openings. Why wouldn't you calculate them like any other beam?

  10. 兰迪||#10


  11. riolsong.||#11



  12. aj builder||#12

    我不隶属于Bruce... but here's another plus to his designs. As... all his insulation is outsulation, so the headers is less of a concern. Also timber framers mostly outsulate and gain the same advantage. The only disadvantage is if you prefer to use cellulose, then forget outsulation and go with the Riversong Truss wall. Bruce's site.


    Oh and thanks for the formulas gents.

  13. riolsong.||#13


    "Robert, most headers DO support floors, ceilings and roofs. They are beams which just happen to be over window and door openings. Why wouldn't you calculate them like any other beam?"



    If you're installing window headers that approach the span of a typical center support beam, then you're exceeding the limit for a doubled lumber header, if it's supporting a floor, a ceiling, a second storey wall and a roof. Basement girders spanning 8' oc posts typically have to be made of 4-2x12s because of deflection limits as well as frequency of vibration.




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