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How to excavate trench in gravel when foam is above?

David McNeely| Posted inGBA Pro Helpon

New slab on grade in Zone 4A:

I plan to have about 8” of compacted 1/2” crushed stone (no fines) with 2” of XPS sheet foam, then poly of course, then 4” slab. I will need to have two trenches of a thickened-slab type footer for bearing walls.





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  1. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#1

    解决方案详细绘图在等级光束下显示2“XPS - 您是否完成了数学以知道XPS将支持房屋的重量?


    The drawing also shows no XPS on the sides of the grade beam, only CMU, which creates a thermal bridge. At the very least the exterior side CMU should have some foam between the CMU and the grade beam, but doing it on both sides would be even better.


    Why XPS instead of more environmentally friendly EPS?

  2. Stephen Sheehy||#2

    David: have you already placed the foundation footings? If not, why not form the interior bearing wall footings with 2x lumber and do them when you do the foundation footings? I'm with Dana on making sure you insulate under the entire footing.
    Use reclaimed xps if available.

  3. Rick Van Handel||#3

    首先,确保解决方案是您的混凝土承包商对的东西。我怀疑他们会这样做。级梁基础是棘手的,因为不良好的方形边缘以防止。我认为你最好的是让挖掘机挖浅直边缘沟槽,安装你的60 psi泡沫(确保通过建筑检查员批准),然后你可以在脚边安装泡沫,现在你准备好了级地板,安装泡沫的平衡。


  4. David McNeely||#4



    丹娜,谢谢你的建议我版本ify the compression of the XPS. The inspector will likely be questioning me about that. I was relying on this: "Engineers explain that good soils should be able to support 3,000 lbs. per square foot (20.9 psi). As it turns out, common extruded polystyrene (XPS) insulation like Dow Styrofoam or Owens Corning Foamular has a compressive strength of 25 psi." (//。

    RE: why XPS instead of EPS, I just reviewed the discussion in the nearby Q&A thread, and I agree EPS may be the better choice for me (I will definitely have a well-drained slab). In my detail, it would be easy to add foam between the CMUs and the crushed rock.


  5. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#5

    There may be more conventional or technically elegant solutions but I think yours will work just fine. As others have suggested, I would line the footing sides with foam to eliminate the thermal bridging. If you are worried about that foam moving, you could put it on the outside of the CMUs and add another layer under the whole footing instead.
    One other small thing. I'd be inclined to use epoxy and threaded bars instead of anchor bolts. Your concrete finisher will sing your praises for years.

  6. David McNeely||#6




  7. GBA编辑器
    Martin Holladay||#7


    我知道,可以将刚性泡沫安装在倾斜的压碎石上方 - 用于加厚边缘板或您正在计划的基础类型 - 然后是聚乙烯和混凝土,因为我已经完成了。

  8. Bill Dietze||#8

    使用25 psi压缩强度数小心!泡沫数据表指出压缩强度的定义:“屈服的值或10%的偏转,首先发生这种情况。”在随着时间的推移之后,将泡沫蠕动的倾向增加,您意识到您希望远离所述抗压强度。正如马丁斯所说,最好咨询工程师,所以他/她可以浏览数字。

  9. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#9

    I didn't mean mean to describe your idea pejoratively, just to distinguish it from how a contractor might do the same thing. There are a number of proprietary systems used when making concrete forms out of foam, you might want to look as some of them.



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