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  1. 河流||#1

    You're not going to be able to bring the house up to current insulation standards without a major rebuild, but if you just want to improve its energy efficiency without disrupting the stucco and with minimal disruption to the interior plaster, blowing dense-pack cellulose into the walls will make a dramatic difference and should not result in moisture problems if the basement is dry and the interior humidity is controlled with ventilation, as the wall can breathe in both directions.

  2. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#2

    My opinion is that blowing cellulose into old-house walls without first verifying that there aren't exterior water leaks is dangerous. A house like the OP's can easily go many decades with some yearly leakage into the walls, and it will never show on the interior or cause much damage, assuming the walls are uninsulated and the framing is old growth lumber. Board sheathing and lath/plaster on the interior help to "catch and release" any moisture, and the fact that it's balloon-framed may mean very significant ventilation thru many of the stud bays. Hard to tell without inspecting the whole thing in person.

    我将专注于空气密封和绝缘the attic, weatherstripping the doors and windows where appropriate, install efficient heating, etc. Cost/benefit on wall insulation may not pencil out when the risk of long-term problems is factored in, especially since those problems may take a while to surface. If you are in the position to carefully monitor the walls over the long term (IR and moisture meters) then you may be able to catch and rectify any isolated problems that occur if you insulate and water leaks occur, but that's not the average homeowner.

    Without offering any particular endorsement, here are opinions from someone who seems fairly well respected in the historic preservation community.

  3. 河流||#3



    But before linking to someone you believe to be "fairly well respected in the historic preservation community", you might check his knowledge of building science, which seems to be at least 30 years behind the times.

    例如,鲍勃·雅普(Bob Yapp)指出:“热量损失主要发生在向上运动。”温暖的空气升高,但热量损失是等温的 - 在所有方向上都相等。他建议用牛皮纸(手工艺不良)面对玻璃纤维棒上绝缘的边缘托梁,可以说是(或几乎任何)位置的最糟糕的选择。他说:“今天,大多数建筑法规都要求,当在北部气候中建造新房屋或增加时,它必须具有蒸气屏障。”当前的代码不再需要 - 建立科学禁忌症 - 蒸气屏障,例如多层板。

    鲍勃进一步指出:“温暖,潮湿的蒸气被外墙吸引。”水分也是各向同性的,并且在整个内部空间中平均分散。他继续说:“在新建筑中,干墙下的塑料蒸气屏障阻止湿空气进入隔热和凝结(SIC)。”当然,蒸气屏障(或代码所需的蒸气阻滞剂)会减慢蒸气的扩散,而不是停止空气运动 - 这是空气屏障的功能,而且通常是组装的另一部分。

    Bob explains, "In old houses with plaster walls, there is no vapor barrier under the plaster so the wet air hits the insulation and condensates (sic)." Again, he confuses vapor diffusion with air movement, and does not understand that condensation rarely occurs within the insulation but rather at the next solid cold surface such as sheathing. He continues, "This wets down the blown-in insulation making it a wet mass at the bottom of the wall cavity creating an inviting place for termites and dry rot." Rarely does insulation dampened by vapor diffusion or internal convection result in a "wet mass at the bottom of the wall cavity". That happens only rarely from a massive leak.

    鲍勃进一步解释说,“水分进入exterior sheathing and wood siding causing permanent exterior paint failure." While moisture movement from inside to out can cause paint blistering and peeling, no paint failure is "permanent", such as structural failure might be, and it's probability depends on the breatheability of the paint film - with oil paints far more likely to fail.

    因此,按照我的建议,一定要采取预防措施,以消除水分来源,例如潮湿的地下室和爬行空间(根据HUD的所有水分问题的80%),并使用点源和整个房屋通风来控制室内湿度 -但是,不要避免改善建筑物的信封,因为鲍勃·雅普(Bob Yapp)这样的无知警告。

    Bob emphasizes, "One of the top reasons for exterior paint failure, termites and structural damage to old houses is loose cellulose or fiberglass insulation blown into the sidewalls". Clearly he's not aware that loose fill cellulose in sidewalls is a thing of the past. Modern blowers and techniques allow dense-packing of sidewalls which does not leave the voids that are prone to air movement and condensation.

  4. ROY HARMON||#4


  5. 大卫·梅兰德(David Meil​​and)||#5


    will not create problems that don't already exist


    I agree that there are holes in what Bob wrote in that link, but I do think he has inspected a lot of old houses with new insulation and new problems. I have read similar things from other historic preservation folks quite a few times. Anyone considering insulating old walls ought to make sure they understand all of the variables.

  6. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#6

    不幸的是,您问题的答案是否定的 - 没有“简单的不是那么凌乱的解决方案”。如果您真的想要密封的隔离墙,那就没有简单或便宜的方法了。

    If I were you, I would have the cellulose installed. Here in the Northeast, cellulose contractors have been dense-packing the walls of existing homes for 25 years, and the vast majority of these installations are performing very well.


  7. Sam Dhak||#7





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